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Here are just 5 tips to take care of your health – Kolkata24x7 – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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New Delhi: Mother’s Day is being celebrated this year in Corona. However, the children do not forget to celebrate this special day in their own way, even if it is not as glamorous as every time.

There are hundreds of other days, including ‘Women’s Day’, ‘Children’s Day’, and ‘Father’s Day’. However, the importance of Mother’s Day in the life of each of us is completely different. Because at the end of the day, just like the address of a bird is its home, when we return home, we are also looking for our mother first. Because the world is as dark as life without mother.

At the end of the day, the last address of trust and confidence is the mother, but these mothers forget to look at their own body health in the thoughts of children and family. But it is never desirable. In addition to taking care of the child, it is very important for all mothers to take care of their own body health.

And then if one wants to taste motherhood for the first time, then it is important to take more care of body health during pregnancy. Because just as a woman completes herself through motherhood, there are many physical and mental changes in this state of motherhood. Many people do not want this time but suffer from anxiety and worry. However, it is very important at this time to stay positive without worrying unnecessarily.

For this, just as a healthy and beautiful environment is needed, it is also important to take care of the health of the body including eating habits during pregnancy. Because healthy beautiful body health is the key to a happy life. So let’s find out what kind of food is important to eat during pregnancy. Also, to stay healthy during this difficult time, it is important to know which foods are on the diet chart.

1. Any woman should drink plenty of water along with healthy food during pregnancy. It is important to have protein, fiber and minerals in your diet at this time. It meets the nutritional needs of the body. Helps in balanced development of fetus.

2. During this time oatmeal, pulses, bread, brown rice fiber and other foods that provide vitamin B and other essential nutrients should be taken.

It is also important to eat low fat foods, milk and dairy products, soy, nuts, calcium and foods rich in vitamin D. Beans, peas, eggs, a little meat and light sweet foods can be eaten at this time. However, it is better to avoid foods that harm yourself and your child, such as tea, coffee, minerals, or cold drinks.

3. In the current situation, women need to be more careful during pregnancy and their immune system should be checked daily. In addition, protein-rich foods, foods rich in iron and calcium should be taken with a doctor’s advice. Foods that contain vitamin C, D should be eaten. It is also important to eat healthy liquids, soft coconut, coconut water and fruit juice rich in vitamin C.

4. Light exercise, or physical exercise, as advised by your own doctor, can be done during pregnancy. This will eliminate various physical problems and will get relief from problems like back and waist pain.

5. Maintain physical and mental well-being during these difficult times. As well as taking care of your body health, always keep yourself and your house clean and tidy. It will bring peace of mind. Exhaustion will subside. Also get enough sleep at this time but very useful.

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2021-05-09 16:48:03
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