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Here are some great ways to prevent facial fat

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Many people have a lot of fat on the face as well as the body. Which is not good to see at all. So you need to keep the face fit like the rest of the body. When the various muscles of the body are strong, the body posture is perfect, just as in the case of the face. And so facial workouts are needed to make every facial muscle beautiful.

Everything depends on the tone of your face. The more fat there is between the skin and the muscles, the heavier your face will look. This extra fat must be shed to keep the shape of the face correct. And for this facial workout must be done. So here are some facial exercises for your convenience. If you do it regularly, you will definitely see the benefits.

First push the right cheek outwards with the jib. Place the jib on the right cheek 10 times and turn it upside down. Repeat in the same way or on the side cheek. In the next step, push the dangal with the jib. Simultaneously place the finger on the outside of the cheek. Push the cheek with your fingers. Keep it like this for 5 minutes then repeat on the left cheek again.

First, insert the two lips together and insert the cheeks inwards. Suppose you kiss someone. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times. In the next step, make two pairs of lips, right and left. Keep the tongue steady. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

When saying ‘oh’, repeat 10 times in the same way as the lips.

In this exercise, smile in such a way that all the teeth of the upper gums and all the teeth of the lower gums can be seen. Stay in this position for quite some time. Do this exercise 10 times.

Keep pushing the chin upwards with both hands and thumb. Repeat 10 times in your mind.


Health | DesheBideshe
2021-06-29 18:24:02
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