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Here are some nice hidden features of iPhone that you need to know

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Many of us are using iPhone. It may be that some of the features of the phone are unknown to many of us. Let’s take a look at some of these features.

1. Reply to text message when phone is locked

To reply to a text message without unlocking the phone, lower the notification bar and move the received message to the left. In the same way, you can do this when you are inside another app.

2. Identify the Battery Drainer app

To see which app is consuming more battery charge, go to Setting> General> Battery usage.

3. Message History Details

To view the videos and photos you have sent to a specific person, go to the message and click on the Details button.

4. Sending deleted messages automatically

From settings to massage options (Settings> Messages) At the bottom you will find the Expire option at the bottom of which you can determine how long after the audio / video message will be deleted automatically.

5. Location sharing

If you want to send your location to your friend via message, you have to go to the detail option of the message thread and select Send My Location. And if you want your friend to track you instead of texting again and again, then select Share My Location.

. Do not disturb

If you do not want to receive a message notification from a specific contact number, select the Do Not Disturb option in the Details menu of the message thread.

. Farewell to group conversation

If you do not want to receive the message notification from the group conversation, then the details of the message thread.Leave Conversation in New Select the option.

. Group message thread naming

Group naming is very useful if you are chatting more in a certain group. And for this you have to go to the Details option of the message thread and fill in the Group Name field with the name group you want.

9. Easy message forward

If you want to forward a message to another number, double touch on the message and you will see my option has come forward from there.

10. Turn on Siri faster

If you want to run Siri directly by voice without using hands, you need to go to Setting> General> Siri option and turn on Enable Hey Siri. Now when you say Hey Siri, Siri will start.

11. Siri will read and hear everything on the screen

If you want to read something with Siri, you have to go to Settings> General> Accessibility> Speech and turn on Speak Screen and Speak Selection. Now if you pull with two fingers from the top to the bottom of the screen, the text on the screen will make you read Siri.

12. Proper pronunciation of your name

You can get Siri to pronounce your name correctly. So you have to ask Siri “What’s my name?” Siri will say your name and if you don’t like it you will respond to Siri. “That’s not how you pronounce ______ (empty room will be your name)” Then Siri will pronounce three. You will show Siri what you think is right. Then Siri remembers that Keep it.

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