Here are the top 6 achievements of Facebook Hackathon

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mark zuckerberg on facebook newsfeed systemThe world’s largest social networking site Facebook Each year hosts a number of “hackathon” or “hacker way” events that play an important role in the development of the site. Facebook’s own engineering team and other employees of the company took part in these events. Facebook hackathon usually returns every 6 weeks. As such, a total of 6 hacker way events have been held in 2013.

List of the best seven hackathon achievements of the year on December 31, 2013, just before the start of the new year Published Facebook. Let’s see them!

1. Air traffic control

The company is working to make the mobile version of Facebook better available in developing countries through this feature. In countries where the internet system is not very developed Facebook The mobile app takes the help of air traffic control to adjust the content and other areas according to the speed of the net.

2. Shared photo album

If you visit our site regularly, you know, In August 2013, Facebook launched the “Shared Photo Album” feature. This allows multiple users to upload photos to a specific photo album. Whenever a Facebook user creates a photo album, you’ll find a new button at the top left of the page with the ‘Add Contributors’ option clicked to allow other Facebookers to add photos to the album.

3. Power player

It was originally created to save the device’s battery while using the Facebook app on the iPhone. The hack was developed by engineers working at Facebook’s London office, which has since been used to give iPhone users a more lasting social networking experience.

4. Thumbs up

The new Thumbs Up Sticker Pack, launched in December, has also found a place in Facebook’s “Top List”. This will allow you to chat with your friends by exchanging nice stickers. The most coveted thumbs down or Dislike Ashan is also given!

5. Weather on events

On Facebook we often organize events in different places or get invited to join the event. The ‘Weather on Events’ feature provides weather information for those event locations so that you can prepare accordingly. For example, during the event, there will be sunshine or rain, the temperature will go to give an idea about the Facebook ‘Weather on Events’.

. “A Self Upgrading Network”

This hack was created to automatically complete the maintenance activities of Facebook. Its implementation has made the technical development of the site more dynamic and protects users from the negative effects of the process during technical upgrades.

. Let it snow

A special messaging feature in the Android and iOS versions of Facebook, ‘Chat Head’ was added this time on the occasion of Christmas with ‘Late It Snow’ (snowfall / snowfall effect). In the new year, there will be more surprises in the chat head, according to Facebook.

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