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High speed internet hotspot will be created in 1 lakh hat-bazaars of Bangladesh!

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the-internetInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) Secretary Nazrul Islam Khan has said that the government will launch high-speed internet hotspots in 1 lakh hat-bazaars across the country to fully implement ICT activities across an area of ​​56,000 square miles. Here, young and old alike will be able to use modern technology to organize self-employment and bring comfort in life. This will eliminate ‘digital inequality’.

The ICT secretary was speaking as the chief guest at the concluding session of a workshop at Daffodil International University in Dhaka on Tuesday evening. The Ministry of ICT and EATL (Ethics Advanced Technology Ltd.) organized 6 workshops under the program titled ‘Raising Awareness and Skills in Mobile Application Development at National Level’.

Pritech WritingHe also said that besides the government’s efforts to build a digital Bangladesh, the private sector and industries must come forward. If the immense potential of information technology can be utilized, it will be able to bring huge amount of foreign exchange for the country besides self-employment.

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