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Home Remedies for Acne – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Spring has come. Nature is formed in its own rhythm. Festive fairs all around. But even at such a time Sumir is not in a good mood. He has been looking at his face in the mirror all day and has been putting on face packs one after another. But the wrinkles on the face are not going away at all. And what is wrong with the mind that only a 25-year-old woman is showing him. Like Sumi, this is a problem for many girls. So it is said to do the right thing at the right time. But time has not passed yet. Regular skin care will bring you back to the skin. And sitting at home you can get rid of this problem. Let’s see how:

Home remedies for wrinkles:

1. You can massage your skin by removing the egg yolk and beating the white part very well. Then leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, when it is dry, wash your face with water. The vitamin B and vitamin E in egg whites will help restore your skin’s youth.

2. You can put lemon juice in your mouth. The acidity of lemon juice will brighten your skin and help reduce wrinkles.

3. Ripe bananas also help to remove wrinkles from the skin. So you can use this pack to come back from the office or in the space of various chores at home, while cooking or watching TV. A ripe kalai is enough for this. Put banana paste on the face for 20 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water.

4. Aloe vera is also a beneficial ingredient that helps reduce wrinkles on the skin. Apply aloe vera gel on the wrinkles of the skin.

5. There are also home-made packs that can be applied. In that case you need to make a mixture with 2 tablespoons orange juice, 1 tablespoon honey, four tablespoons besan. And make this mixture and wake up at least 4-5 times a week. This will help to remove wrinkles from your skin.

Moreover, through regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing, you will get radiant, soft, smooth skin.

Health | DesheBideshe
2021-07-01 18:12:58
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