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Home Remedies for Cough Home Remedies for Cough – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Home Remedies for Cough

November is almost over. The winter has already started. Although in winter we need extra care for our health. Many times we get various diseases due to winter. Many people suffer from cough throughout the winter. Many people neglect cough without going to the doctor, be it dry cough or whooping cough. However, cough should not be neglected. Here are some home remedies for cough. Let’s know about home remedies for cough-

* Hyacinth leaf juice:
Many people have hyacinth flowers in their house. Wake up in the morning and pick two or three leaves from the tree. Rinse well with water. Then take it in the mouth. Chew well and eat as much juice as you have and then throw it away. Playing it regularly will reduce cough. Although the juice of the hyacinth is a little bitter.

* Basil leaves:
Basil leaves are one of the herbal remedies for cough. Basil leaves are very useful in relieving cough and phlegm. You can wake up in the morning, pick eight to ten small basil leaves from the tree, wash them well and chew them. Basil leaves contain two ingredients called antitussive and expectorant, which help to clear the phlegm from the chest.

* Honey:
Honey is effective in treating cough. If the cough is mild in nature, eat a spoonful of honey every morning. First grate the ginger and take out a teaspoon of juice. Then mix it with one teaspoon of honey and eat it. If it is followed regularly, the cough will decrease in a few days. Honey is equally effective if there is phlegm in the chest. In this case, the method of eating honey is different. Honey should be taken mixed with a glass of lukewarm water, or in the morning with tea. Drinking honey with hot water or tea will get rid of phlegm accumulated in the chest.

* Pineapple:
Pineapple contains an ingredient that clears mucus from the throat. Cough is usually caused by this mucus. This ingredient in pineapple is called bromelain. It just matches the pineapple.

* Gargle:
Gargle with half a teaspoon of salt in a little hot water. This will reduce the feeling of happiness in the throat, the phlegm will come out easily.

Health – Jamuna Television
2020-11-29 07:07:48
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