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How capable is a surgical mask to prevent infection? Find out what the German survey says.

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  • People across the country are terrified of the rising Covid 19 second wave.
  • So wearing a mask is mandatory for everyone.
  • Whether to get rid of corona, N95 or double surgical mask or two masks together, there is a lot of disagreement about this.

This time the digital desk: People across the country are terrified of the rising Covid 19 second wave. So wearing a mask is mandatory for everyone. Don’t To get rid of N95 or double surgical mask or two masks together, there is a lot of disagreement about this.

Recently, a study found, common Surgical mask Can prevent corona virus (COVID-19). This information was revealed in a study in Germany. However, it is best to use the N95 mask in areas where the risk of airborne infections is high. Studies show that this increases the effectiveness of infection prevention. The study was published in the journal Science.

Studies have shown that masks can work in certain situations. This conclusion is reached on the basis of the information obtained after the observation. Yafang Cheng of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Germany said in a statement that airborne infections of SARS-CoV-2 contain small amounts of viruses in the respiratory tract during respiratory infections. In that case a surgical mask can protect people. The study also found that corona could be controlled in areas where more masks were worn. Masks like N95 or FFP2 are most effective in preventing airborne infections.

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Another scientist associated with the study said that wearing high efficiency masks along with other protective measures can help protect people in various populated areas including hospitals, medical centers and markets. Masks are extremely necessary and effective where there is a high risk or where the concentration of patients is high. Mask able to take all precautions against SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Experts have repeatedly warned against wearing masks. Despite the increase in infections in India, 50 percent of people still do not wear masks properly. Eighty-four percent of people wear masks in such a way that their noses are not pressed. A few days ago, this was informed by the Union Health Ministry. This time a public survey of El Germany. Scientists have made it clear that the most necessary and most useful way to survive in Corona is here.

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2021-06-01 15:27:03
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