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How different is the state’s health infrastructure this year compared to last year? Can you handle it?

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Own report: The state government is reluctant to handle the Corona situation in Bengal. A 4-member task force has been formed. IES Sanjay Bansal is at the head of this task force. Who is one of the secretaries of the health department. He is accompanied by three other members, Dr. Hare Krishna Chandra, Dr. Soma Maiti, and Dr. Arnab Roy.

Their job is to look at bed reviews. Focus on how to increase the number of beds. Besides, it has been decided to open a covid unit in R-Ahmed Dental College.

But now the question is, is the management that is being taken enough? The reason is that if we look a little closer, then it is seen that in the year 2020, more corona was affected in the state on 22nd October. 4156 people were infected that day. What was the infrastructure in the state at that time?

  • The total number of Kovid hospitals in the state was 93
  • The total number of beds was 12651
  • There was a critical care bed – 1243
  • Ventilator – 790
  • There were 200 government safe homes.
  • The total number of beds allocated there was 11508
  • The patient was admitted – 1219

Till last night, the picture taken by the health department of Corona has raised a lot of worries. The number of victims is around 6,000. The number of deaths due to corona is 34. What exactly is the state health infrastructure in this situation?

April 17 means Saturday’s one-day infection in the state was almost double-613

  • Covid Hospital-61
  • Total covid bed-6
  • Critical Care Bed – 1896
  • Ventilator – 525
  • Of course, there are 200 government safe homes.
  • Total bed allocation there – 11508
  • Patients are admitted – only 63 people

So it is understood that if Corona is infected, the situation is getting so bad that he is being admitted to the hospital. They can’t stay in a safe home. In fact, that’s why Safe Home is going to be empty. On the other hand, the grim picture that emerges is that there are no beds for Kovid patients in the hospital. The critical unit is also zero. If the number of beds is not taken into consideration at the rate at which corona is increasing, then the state of health in the state will deteriorate further. As soon as possible, those who do not have any physical problems, but are positive, should be sent to a safe home.

Zee24GhantaHealth News
2021-04-18 13:17:06
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