How effective is the vaccine against the ‘deadly’ Indian type of corona?

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The second wave of Kovid-19 is going on in the subcontinent. India is suffering the most. Millions of people are being infected every day in the country. Thousands of people are dying.

Meanwhile, concerns have been raised about the Indian variant of the Corona. This virus is more deadly and more contagious. How effective is the corona vaccine against this?

The B1.617 type of corona was first identified in India last October. Since then, it has been found in 44 countries. India is devastated by this kind of corona. Over the past three weeks, more than 300,000 corona patients have been identified in the country every day. The Indian Ministry of Health said on Friday that corona had been identified in the bodies of 343,000 people. In the last 24 hours, 4,000 people have died in the country. The spread of this new strain is thought to have led to an increase in deaths and infections.

The effectiveness of the vaccine against the Indian type of corona has not yet been confirmed. According to NDTV, the World Health Organization (WHO) has provided information on the Indian type of corona, which has caused concern around the world.

According to the Indian media, genome sequencing has been performed on about 0.1 percent of the infected in India.

According to the World Health Organization, the B1.18 type of corona identified in the UK and the Indian type B1.617 have ‘started declining’ in recent weeks. Worryingly, however, there have been more dangerous transformations of the Indian type – B.1.617.1 and B.1.617.2.

According to the World Health Organization’s weekly update on coronavirus status, preliminary analysis indicates that the high growth rate of coronary B1.617.1 and B1.617.2 types indicates a high incidence of the infection.

It has seen rapid growth in many countries. Such existence has been found in Bangladesh. The efficacy of such vaccines has not yet been confirmed. However, some studies have shown some effectiveness in the Modern and Pfizer vaccines.

SourceNew Time
NA / 14 May

Health | DesheBideshe
2021-05-14 18:23:59
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