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How harmful is the search for a new strain ‘Delta Plus’ to reduce the infection, what do experts say?

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Own report: Do not change the form again. The strain that was cited as the cause of the second wave is B.1.617. According to some experts, this strain is highly contagious. This time the strain has been transformed into B.1.617.2.1, claims Vinod Scaria, a scientist at the CSI Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in Delhi.

The World Health Organization has named this B1.617 strain as Delta. The new strain found in the genome sequence is known as strain delta plus or ‘AY.1’ (B.1.617.2.1). Its variation is captured in the genome sequence. In this, K417N mutation has been considered. However, researchers have not yet said how harmful this strain is.

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Vinod Scaria, a scientist at the CSI Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in Delhi, claims that the new strain makes it easier for the B1.617.2.1 virus to enter and damage human body cells. The new K417N has been detected in 63 Delta genomes. The strain has been found in 6 genomes in India till June 6. This time the new strain has been seen not in India but mainly in Europe, Asia and America.

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But now the question is, if the new strain Delta Plus is able to inhibit antibodies resistant to cocktail injection, the risk will increase. A single dose of this injection costs around Rs 60,000. In India, a 72-year-old man has recovered within a day. Cocktail injections stop the spread of the corona virus And that is why Kovid virus 6 loses its effectiveness In the end it is ruined It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. However, researchers are not seeing anything worrying at the moment.

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