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How important is the oxygen level in the baby’s body? Know when to be careful.

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  • There is no harm in children losing oxygen for a few minutes.
  • But almost all the time if the level of oxygen in the body is less than 6 percent, the body can be severely damaged.

This time living desk: The second wave of coronavirus has swept across the country. This time the virus has returned with a more serious size than last year. The most worrying thing is that the children are not getting relief from the clutches of Corona. The most alarming symptom of coronary heart disease is a decrease in oxygen levels in the body. Therefore, experts are advising corona patients to check the level of oxygen in the body with an oximeter repeatedly.

Many people have difficulty breathing due to low oxygen levels in the body due to corona. Everyone wants to know exactly when the oximeter readings are normal and when there is reason to worry. But do you know exactly what the oxygen level should be in the case of children? This time Corona is not giving relief to the children either. So it is important to know the level of oxygen in the body of children.

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This is why some children nowadays have shortness of breath due to pollution. Eating, crying, or playing can make breathing problems worse. However, if the oxygen in the body is reduced for a few minutes, there is no harm to the children. But almost all the time if the level of oxygen in the body is less than 6 percent, the body can be severely damaged. Because the heart has to work extra to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. As a result, the heart may become much larger than normal.

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Oxygen is the medicine of our body. Having more than 92% oxygen level in the body means that the body is getting the oxygen it needs. And children with pulmonary hypertension need to have 95 percent or more oxygen in their body. SpO2 level in medical terms is the amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin compared to hemoglobin that is not carrying oxygen. Children between the ages of seven and nine need to have a SpO2 level of 69 percent to 90 percent. Children under the age of five should have a SpO2 level of 91 percent.

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2021-05-18 13:20:27
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