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How terrible is the third wave? Message of relief to scientists on government panel

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Own report: News of some relief! The Corona (Covid-19) in the second wave, which went to the final stage and showed its brutal power, will not happen again. Scientists are showing the light of hope. According to some scientists, the third wave will reach its final destination during Pujo, while others say that there are still 6 to 7 months left. Mathematical model Manindra Agarwal, a member of the government panel, says the horrors of the second wave will never happen again. Will be much less affected. Half of the people in the second wave will be captured by Coronid (Covid-19).

However, he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat Cole’s administration.

Third waveWhy would so few people be affected?

In this context, he put forward the mathematical model, predicting this relief depending on the human immunity, the antibodies made in the vaccine, the ability of the new strain of the corona.

According to this forecast, the second wave will end by the second week of August. Then the third wave will reach its peak in October. Will continue until November. According to Manindra Agarwal, when the third wave reaches its climax, the number of victims will increase from 1.5 million to 200,000.

Incidentally, Monindra Agarwal had earlier predicted the second wave. However, the power of the delta strain disproved his interpretation of the mathematical model of the time.