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How to be beautiful with onion – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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In addition to enhancing the smell and taste of food, onions are very useful. This spice is used to enhance not only the appearance but also the beauty of the hair. If you want to get bright hair, instead of relying on Namidami brand shampoo, bring an onion in the kitchen. Mix onion paste with equal amount of coconut or olive oil and apply it on the hair and wrap the head with a towel. After a couple of hours, comb your hair and wash it off with the shampoo of your choice.

Naturally acidic onions stimulate the cells of the scalp and make the hair shiny. For centuries, honey has been mixed with onion juice to lengthen hair. If it is applied regularly, the hair becomes thicker as well as longer. Onions can also be used as an antiseptic. Keep rubbing a piece of onion on the place where the insect bites or stings. You will see after a while, the burning will come down. Onions contain some chemical ingredients that are allergen resistant and painkillers. Alice Robinson from Britain has taught us some amazing uses of onion. Beautiful to the touch of onion!

Onion is also effective in removing black spots on the skin. Bata onion paste invigorates dry skin cells and removes dead cells. As lactic acid speeds up the process, mixing onion juice with yogurt gives good results. It also protects the skin from acne and acne. Onion juice can be used not only for facial skin, but also to remove dark spots on the elbows. Leave a few pieces of onion in a mug of hot water. Then fold the elbow and dip it in it. Leave it like this for a few minutes. Doing this regularly every day will gradually reduce dark spots.

Mentioning the anti-bacterial and analgesic properties of onions, Marvin Patterson, a doctor at Woodford Medical Clinic in Essex, UK, said: Other than that, many people can’t stand the strong smell of onion.