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How to disinfect fruits and vegetables brought from the market during the epidemic? Learn.

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  • Daily corona infections are on the rise.
  • Our state has been instructed to keep the market open from 8 am to 10 am and from 3 pm to 5 pm.
  • So we have to keep the market healthy in this short period of time.

This time the digital desk: Daily corona infections are on the rise. Our state has been instructed to keep the market open from 8 am to 10 am and from 3 pm to 5 pm. So we have to keep the market healthy in this short period of time.
You can buy vegetables and fruits. When you buy fruits and vegetables from the market, they must be sterilized.

It takes a lot of exercise to stay safe from the wrath of Kovid-19. Many people leave it in a corner of the house for a couple of days to get rid of the virus. Someone washes the vegetables in hot water and makes them edible. But many are confused about how to keep vegetables away from the virus. Why fruits and vegetables need to be cleaned well during an epidemic. First of all, you can stay strong from within only by eating healthy food. Second, wet areas are usually inhabited by bacteria. The market environment is the same. So it is important to bring it home and wash it.

1. Do not leave it on the table after buying vegetables or fruits from the market. Or put it on the floor. Take it to the kitchen. Put in the sink. Rinse well once in cold water. Then heat the water. Soak in that hot water. Not only will this sterilize your vegetables, it will also remove the dyes or pesticides used on the vegetables.

2. You need to be more careful when it comes to ground vegetables. For example, after buying potatoes, carrots, ginger, onions and garlic, disinfect them with more care. In case of vegetables other than onion and garlic, wash it well. If there is dust and dirt, it will be washed away. Then take hot water in a large pot. There is no need to boil water. Add salt to it. Then soak these vegetables. Onions and garlic can be spoiled if washed. So put them on a piece of paper. You can use them in cooking only after washing them in warm water before cooking.

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3. If you buy cabbage, you will leave several open ones on top of the cabbage. Then wrap it in a plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge. Soak in warm water for 10 minutes before cooking. Then use in cooking.

4. If you buy vegetables from the market, you need to clean them. Take water in a bowl for him. Heat a little. Mix in the baking soda. Soak the vegetables in that water. This will make it possible to disinfect your vegetables.

5. Never leave vegetables on the table or floor to get paper. First, wash and disinfect the vegetables, dry them and put them in the fridge.

. Never use vegetable or fruit sanitizer or spray disinfectant. Because that’s what you eat. So do not mix any chemical in it which may harm your health.

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