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How to reduce eye strain while working on computer

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Having to look at a laptop or desktop for long periods of time as both work time and work pressure increase. This results in eye damage.

So in the middle of work you have to give rest to both eyes.

In that case it will not take much time and you will be fresh all day long.

1. Close your eyes and slowly move around. Do this exercise three to four times a day.

2. Keep the head straight and rotate the eyeball to the right and up. Now close your eyes.

Keep your eyes closed by turning your eyes to the left and down again. Now do the same process in reverse. It will take a lot of comfort.

3. Adequate rest should be given to the eyes like other parts of the body.

Make a break of at least 15 minutes between work.

4. Take a break from the computer every 20 minutes and look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

5. Take a break from work after a few hours of continuous work and give a splash of tears. If you want again, wrap a piece of ice in a cloth and rub it gently on both eyes. This will remove a lot of eye fatigue.

MN / 16 May