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How to take care of the lungs in the corona atmosphere? Malaika Arora giving tips

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  • The lungs are one of the most important part of the immune system.
  • It tries to keep the body healthy by expelling the contaminants that enter the body with the breath.
  • When the function of the lungs is reduced to normal, it is disrupted.
  • Coronavirus has been on the rise this season, with its main target being the lungs.

This time the digital desk: The lungs are one of the most important part of the immune system.Healthy Lungs). It tries to keep the body healthy by expelling the contaminants that enter the body with the breath. When the normal functioning of the lungs (Healthy Lungs) decreases, that function is disrupted. He has been in the spotlight this season Coronavirus, Its main target is the lungs. So at any cost to keep the lungs (Healthy Lungs) healthy.

Coronavirus (Coronavirus) Those who have good immunity and those Lung care Nen can’t hurt them too much. In this situation, Malaika (Malaika Arora) Here are some tips to take care of your lungs (Healthy Lungs) and improve your immunity, which may be effective for you. If you want to improve oxygen, be sure to check out these tips from Malaika.

A big role in keeping the lungs healthy (Lungs). Lung care should be taken into consideration especially for those whose lungs have become weakened due to age or due to environmental pollution or who have asthma-COPD type respiratory disease.

Check your lungs with this Malaika post
Recently Malaika Aurora She shared a post on her social media account, in which she posted a video. Mentioned three yogas in this video. Doing these will make the lungs stronger.

Not feeling well in the lockdown? Learn how to invigorate yourself.

Pranayama is one of the best exercises to keep the lungs healthy. If you can do it regularly on an empty stomach, you will get benefits. Sit down and stretch your spine. Straighten the neck. Take a deep breath to tighten your spine. Release slowly. Must be done at least 10 times.

Anulom bilom
This exercise is ideal for expelling polluted air from the lungs and increasing oxygen circulation in the body. Regular exercise strengthens the lungs and increases immunity. Sit down and close your eyes. Hold the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand. Breathe hard through the left nostril. Leave it for a while (you can count up to 4) and close your left nostril with your finger and exhale through your right nostril. Do the opposite again. This whole procedure should be done at least 5 times.

The Secret of Yoga Malaika Fitness
Malaika Aurora says she has been working hard to maintain her fitness. Then he started working out, running and swimming. According to him, 30 minutes of walking every day can keep you healthy. Proper diet is very important for keeping body and mind healthy. According to Malaika, 20 percent of exercise plays a role in staying fit and the remaining 60 percent in diet. If you want to keep fit and follow a strict diet, you need to consult an expert.

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2021-05-12 12:15:45
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