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How to understand on Facebook that you are old

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Facebook passed 10 years in February this year. If you are an early user of the site, you have come a long way. Not only does Facebook bring up newsfeed stories of your friends, but here you can also get some important insights about yourself. Facebook ‘Look Back’ Surely you remember? Minute video clips of what you’ve posted over the years are a walk of time in front of your eyes Highlights In all of this Facebook Also able to remind you of your age. When you see the following events on Facebook, you will think that you are old now.

1. The ones you see on Facebook as a kid, have been teaming up lately to change their ‘relationship status’ from single to any other relationship (in a relationship)!

2. You don’t understand the meaning of hashtags of your little cousins, siblings or familiar Facebookers! That is, the generation has come a long way. The language of today’s children is incomprehensible to you.

3. You can’t remember your password !!! So understand, ‘It’s time to take rest’! With age, the memory does not work as before. Any doubts?

4. When you blindly ‘like’ someone of your parents’ status… that is, your opinion is matching with theirs lately.

5. When you see adventurous activities on social media, you’ll want to avoid them.

. Everything seems to be new সংখ্যা the number of your online friends has decreased.

. Now you can’t agree with most of the users on Facebook. You start to think of them as ‘extra whimsical’. That is, you have passed that fun time.

. Nowadays you can see an ad on the Facebook homepage that is bringing you a retirement plan for your job.

9. People are not giving a ‘like’ or ‘share’ to the jokes you post on Facebook. I mean, these are a lot older now – somewhat like yours : P

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