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How useful is antibacterial soap?

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antibacterial soap.  img ..One of the most important discoveries in the field of medical science in the history of human civilization is soap; From daily life to the hospital’s operating theater, the triumph of soap. Past statistics have shown that surgeons who clean their hands and other equipment properly with soap before surgery have lower mortality rates from infections.

Nowadays, everyone, young and old, is aware of the importance of soap. Whether it’s the Meena cartoon or the World Handwashing Day commercial campaign, soap is now a ‘magic stone’ for the benefit of the media, which destroys germs.

And based on our idea, different cosmetics and toiletries companies are making soaps with different names. In addition to ‘beauty soap’ and ‘laundry soap’, ‘antibacterial’ or ‘antiseptic’ soaps are being made for ‘disinfection’. But behind the eye-catching ads, how useful are these antibacterial soaps?

Soap is the sodium or potassium salt of high molecular weight organic fatty acids. It separates the oily substances from our used / applied space in the presence of water which removes dirt, dust and bacteria. It is possible to get rid of bacteria or germs through the simple soaps that we use in our daily work. But what is the reason for using antibacterial soap separately? What do these extras do?

One of the most widely used ingredients in antibacterial soaps is ‘triclosan’ or ‘triclocarbon’; If you want to work with triclosan, that is, if you want to kill ‘germs’, you have to give it about two minutes. This means that triclosan can kill your ‘bacteria’ only if you wait for 2 minutes with soap on your hands and feet. But how many people have the time or patience to stand for two minutes?

You might want to spend two minutes on good health. But it is also more likely to be a loss than a long-term gain. Some bacteria are able to adapt to the adverse environment over time. That is, they are yours Also develops resistance against antibacterial soaps Can lift. Trying to kill ‘more’ bacteria with triclosan every day ‘stronger’ Bacterial farm Aren’t you building?

There are many bacteria in our body which Actually beneficial. So if you want to stay healthy just by killing bacteria, then that idea is likely to be wrong.

In fact, antibacterial soaps are ‘safe’ for the same reason they are ‘useless’; This is because just as it is not possible to look in the mirror for a couple of minutes, the bacteria cannot develop resistance to triclosan. In general, you can get rid of germs just by using the common toiletries soaps that are available in the market – so you don’t need antiseptic soap / solution at extra cost.

But yes, if your immune system is weakened, or if you have a serious wound in your body, antibacterial soap may be useful for you (according to the doctor’s advice). For the rest it is a Expenditure sector, Which can be used as an alternative to the commonly used soap.

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