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How your Facebook newsfeed works …

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mark zuckerberg on facebook newsfeed systemThe sponsored content we see on the Facebook homepage is from friends, pages, groups and other parties. “Newsfeed”; According to the social networking company, Newsfeed is essentially a “customized newspaper” for the user; But have you ever wondered, how does it work? On average everyone Facebook About 1,500 potential posts are filtered daily in the user’s newsfeed. But we see only 20% of them!

Some may think that posts are ranked on Facebook in chronological order. This means that the lower the previous post, the more the latest content will be seen at the top.

But the matter is not so simple. Thinking this way, the Facebook authorities could not do business with the emotions of so many people around the world. In fact, in Newsfeed, stories are sorted by score. Now speaking, who does this scoring? How?

Well, the answer to the first question can be said with closed eyes. Facebook’s central server system for scoring or ranking posts. But its method is very complex and constantly changing.

A number of factors are considered to determine the score for story ranking, not all of which are made public by Facebook. Some of the things that are known are your relationship with the users, communication, comment-share-like number, etc. In addition, the last 50 actions of a user also affect the ranking. In this case, you like a friend’s post, how many messages you have exchanged with whom, who regularly visit the timeline, work together, etc. are significant.

As mentioned earlier, the Newsfeed algorithm is not always constant – it changes at regular intervals. If you refresh the homepage like this a few days ago, even if the new content is scored a little less, it would come out on top. But with the recent changes in the scoring system, stories posted at the beginning of the day can also be seen at the very top in the evening. And the Facebook system will keep an eye on the useful / related posts as long as you think you haven’t seen them yet, so sometimes the same post may appear on the newsfeed more than once.

This strategy change of Facebook has been implemented in the desktop version of the site for now. The company says it has already boosted user engagement. So useful posts are really coming to the forefront of your newsfeed right now. According to Facebook, the site is now seeing 13% more posts than before and 5% more responses (likes, comments, shares). Similarly, the ads displayed in the newsfeed or sidebar are also appearing according to the user’s web browsing habits using different logic. For example, what website you are visiting, what information you are searching, Facebook is showing you ads with this information from PC.

Hopefully, I have been able to present a simple idea of ​​some of the complex procedures of Facebook Newsfeed. Your comments will be appreciated. Eid Mubarak to everyone!

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