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Ice cream – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Ice is the next thing, you have to think twice to catch cold water in winter. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

Many makeup artists recommend rubbing ice on the face well before applying makeup. However, many of us do not know the reason.

Ice is very effective in keeping the skin beautiful. Moreover, ice helps to reduce the effect of wrinkles, redness and acne. It also helps to keep the skin healthy by increasing the amount of blood circulation.

A health site mentions some of the benefits of ice.

Softens the skin
Rubbing ice on the skin tightens the skin and makes the skin softer. Moreover, ice is also very effective in closing open pores.

Primer is used on the skin before makeup to make the makeup last longer. However, some pores on the skin become quite large. For this reason makeup does not want to sit. So when the hair follicles get bigger, the ice can be rubbed well before using the primer.

Normalizes blood circulation
The coldness of the ice helps to keep the blood circulation in the skin normal. And so ice helps reduce skin swelling.

Reduces eye swelling
Many people may have swelling under the eyes due to lack of sleep or any other reason. And ice helps to reduce puffiness of the skin. So if there is swelling under the eyes, a little ice can be rubbed there.

Reduces wrinkles
With age, wrinkles begin to appear on the skin. However, ice helps to reduce the amount of wrinkles.

Reduces the redness of acne
Acne mainly affects people in the form of red spots on the skin. Ice helps reduce that redness.

Before rubbing the ice, make sure that the skin is well cleansed. Then wrap the ice in a soft cloth and rub it all over the face when the ice starts to melt. Apply ice thoroughly on each part of the face for two to three minutes.

Apply ice by turning the skin. Then apply toner and moisturizer on the face.