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If there are 5 symptoms of corona, you have to be admitted to the hospital

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The number of victims and deaths due to corona is increasing day by day. Onke is recovering. Many are receiving treatment at home and many need to go to the hospital. In many cases, individual symptoms are seen in each Kavid patient. However, it is usually necessary to identify some of the normal symptoms. If the symptoms of corona are not identified at the right time, it can be risky for adults as well as people of all ages.

Symptoms of corona can range from mild to severe. You have to be careful for this all the time. The first week of identification is very important because at this time it will be understood if you are in quarantine at home or if you need medical treatment in hospital. Let’s find out what action can be taken in any situation.

Problems breathing
Shortness of breath and chest pain can be symptoms of a serious corona infection. Coronavirus is a respiratory infection that attacks healthy cells. Consult a doctor immediately if you have difficulty breathing or walking problems. In this case, there can be no delay.

Oxygen levels fluctuate
Be sure to keep a good quality pulse oximeter if you have corona symptoms. If there are symptoms, cavid pneumonia can occur which leads to infection of the lungs. If the oxygen level fluctuates frequently, talk to a doctor immediately and in that case you need to be treated at a hospital.

Corona also affects the brain and nerves. Experts say that the symptoms of sleep deprivation, confusion and erroneous speech are more severe. If the patient has trouble doing his normal work then the situation is serious. Seek medical attention.

Chest pain
Chest pain of any kind should not be taken lightly. The corona attacks the mucosal linings of the lungs and in many cases causes chest pain. If your chest pain is unbearable, consult a doctor immediately.

Blue lips
Decreased oxygen saturation can lead to changes in the face and lips. This is a terrible sign. If such symptoms appear, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Some common symptoms of corona
Some of the common symptoms of corona are fever, sore throat, whooping cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, diarrhea etc. After monitoring all the symptoms, a corona patient has to decide quickly whether it is necessary to be admitted to the hospital or treatment at home.

SourceNew Time
Avi / 17 April

Health | DesheBideshe
2021-04-18 19:08:57
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