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If you do not suffer from depression? Learn expert advice

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  • In the corona atmosphere, people’s lives are changing overnight, the meaning of relationships is changing.
  • No one knows what will happen if the disease. No one knows what will happen in the future.
  • Increasing stress, anxiety, loneliness, increasing fatigue in the hands of the extreme. The distance with the people in the house is also increasing.
  • The known world has changed in a few days. The crisis of existence has consumed.

Mental Health COVID 19: In the corona atmosphere, people’s lives are changing overnight, the definition of relationship is also changing. No one can predict when or how you will get infected. Not just physical, but superficial StressAnxiety, loneliness, exhaustion. The distance from the acquaintances is also increasing. The crisis of existence is engulfing the known world.

The rate at which depression, anxiety, loneliness, and exhaustion are increasing at the rate of coronavirus. What to do to deal with panic under house arrest? How to keep the children at home? Mental health experts are advising Tanaya Roychowdhury. This time he was interviewed on behalf of Digital Sravani is entitled.

This time digital: The rate at which stress, anxiety, loneliness, fatigue are increasing at the hands of Corona Atimari, what can be called Corona Psychiatric Epidemic?

Tanaya Roychowdhury: First of all, thank you for talking about this. We can think of it in two ways. If I want to say in support of the question, then it should start a few years back. The WHO announced a few years ago that by 2030, depression will be at the forefront of the global burden of disease. In that sense, it is possible Kovid took the process a step further. And if it can be thought of in a positive way, then it can be said that we had no advance preparation or idea about the situation we are going through. We are all going through emotional turmoil, grief – all of this. This is not called mental illness or mental illness. When this grief, anxiety disrupts our daily life, it can be called psychosis. Therefore, I do not agree with the identification of the coronary period as a psychiatric epidemic.

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This time digital: What will happen to those who are suffering from anxiety or other mental health problems, especially if they have broken all the barriers of the mind while dealing with panic under house arrest?

Tanaya Roychowdhury: Those who are sick should not stop their treatment, and those who are having problems in this situation should seek advice from a specialist. Now that experts have come forward to help online, it is important to start treatment from them.

This time digital: Seeing the growing graph of the infected and the dead has swallowed the frustration. Exhausted. Fatigue reduction medicine or something else?

Tanaya Roychowdhury: Now death means complete fear. Newspapers, social media, TV – news of death. Which is causing us a lot of problems. However, if we look at the graph, just as death is happening, so are people recovering. But, we are taking that negative side more. As a result, we are suffering from depression. There are many antidepressant medications. I would say that for those who are not having too much trouble, the type of news should be changed a little. Need to know a little positive news instead of negative news. For example, if we need something, we need to know who to go to first.

Now that we are all at home, everyone should spend time with family. Before, we didn’t have time for family, but now that we have that time, it’s better to have fun with everyone. The kids can be given a little time, our old hobby can be rubbed on the table once more. Take a little time out between yourself with caution. Chatting with friends through virtual meetings, completing our daily tasks at the right time, we can be much better. Although this is not the time to be good, if you try a little.

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This time digital: What is the current risk of mental health damage to doctors, nurses, health workers?

Tanaya Roychowdhury: It is not that mental health is not being harmed because they are working from the front row. In fact, mental problems can no longer be measured. How a person reacts to an event happens differently to each person. So we can’t say that they are seeing so many deaths from the front, receiving news of despair, which will cause them mental problems. However, health workers have no time for themselves in this situation. In this case, I have to tell them a little, if you meet their needs a little. Their risk is a little less if they eat and sleep properly.

This time digital: How is mental health affected when corona is affected?

Tanaya Roychowdhury: Some say that being infected does not mean that mental health will be affected. However, there are many who are very worried after returning from the hospital. Because, he may have seen death in front of his eyes in the hospital. Again, there are many who have become insane after recovering. Whom we Obsessive compulsive disorder I say. Many are unable to sleep at night again, having nightmares. For some, the only thing that matters is panic. This problem is being created for those who are away and their parents are here. I hear from some people like that, maybe it won’t be the last show. It’s really painful. I can’t really tell you how many people are at risk. If you do not have the mental problems, but it is not. However, we see a variety of problems.

This time digital: Quarantine How to avoid emotional trauma while staying?

Tanaya Roychowdhury: I have already said what you need to do to be good. However, I want to say that we want to be happy with what we have. Which is called Sense of Containment. Many would say that it is very difficult to say it in this situation. However, I would say it is better to comply. Like now many of us don’t even have to think about how the dinner will come, or how I will be able to pack my rice in two days. If we are good at what we have, then overcoming this difficult situation will help to maintain good mental health.

This time digital: Work From Home – As a result of work in most of the multiple problems are appearing. The biggest problem is balancing work life, in this case how to reduce stress?

Tanaya Roychowdhury: Since Work From Home has been going on since last year, I can’t say don’t do it, or don’t do it. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. I will give the whole house because I am at home, but not so much. You have to handle both home and office.

The first thing to remember is that even if you are at home, you are still working in the office. The problem is less if it is accepted. However, if both work from home and there are adults or children at home. In that case, I would say, change the shift. Whoever has the advantage will work in that shift. If that is not the case then maybe you want to go back to your previous routine. Taking care of all the chores at home, doing office work among everyone or concentrating on office work. If there is a situation at home, it is better to create a separate place for work. Sitting there while working can feel like an office. As well as the possibility of being distracted.

This time digital: Children are not allowed to go out due to lockdown during coronation. How is their mental state being affected? In this case, what to do for parents?

Tanaya Roychowdhury: The children are bored sitting at home. As a result, mischief has increased and the mood has become irritable. There is no way we can get back what the children were supposed to get as a child. One in 3-5 year old children but a vague idea about death has been formed. It is advisable not to discuss the death and its number in front of them. However, in some cases that is not the case. Many have lost loved ones in the second wave of Corona, in which case death is not clear to them. In this case, it is better to discuss openly with them. They will be able to understand like them.

Another thing that can be said, even if there is a marital quarrel in any way, care must be taken so that the unrest between the parents does not affect the child in any way. Try to resolve any disturbances within yourself as soon as possible. This will have the opposite effect on the mind at this time and will create frustration in the child.

This time digital: Mine Last question,What do we do to stay healthy or well?
Adhering to the Kovid rules, wearing a mask properly, adhering to the distance of society. And in the mental case, it can be said that the eyes and ears should be kept open for the people around. They need to be careful to stay healthy.

Is it important to be mentally healthy as well as physically fit during coronation? What do you think? Let us know in the comment box below. Comment in Bengali or English.

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2021-06-07 12:35:23
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