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If you follow this four-dimensional formula, the relationship will be smooth!

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  • Not giving time is enough to poison the relationship.
  • If you don’t communicate with each other, you can’t open your mind.
  • As a result, misunderstandings are terrible

This time living desk: “Even on such a day, it can be said,
In such a heavy rain. ”
Rain means new environment. Monsoon means new relationship. Rain means love, more love. The rain in Ravi Thakur’s song and poem is just loving.
No matter how much Corona poisons the outside environment, it will no longer be able to poison the mind. So as soon as it rains, the mind becomes full of love. Love lasts all year round. But in the spring or in the rainy season, this love should be more invigorated. Both the mind and the body are always ready for the call of a loved one. But if this dear person becomes unpleasant for any reason, then there is no limit to the suffering.
In fact, no matter how much poetry and romance about rain, real life problems cannot be avoided.

Whether it is a small matter on a daily basis or any other problem, it creates distance between two loved ones. But that is not desirable. Fighting with loved ones means hurting yourself. Then don’t get too involved without quarreling. When one gets angry, the other adjusts. Let’s move on to alternative systems. Or both of them patch up with each other. You will see that the relationship is beautiful. Peace of mind prevails.
Try to follow a few tips. You’ll be fine.

Give it time
There is a great need for time in any relationship. In most cases husband and wife cannot spend time with each other. Either office work or housework. The two of them don’t even have time to sit together and have coffee. Shopping together, restaurant dinner is far away. Under the pressure of the child’s family, even the slightest love story is not told. And not giving this time is enough to poison the relationship. If you don’t communicate with each other, you can’t open your mind. As a result, misunderstandings are terrible. It is even more deadly if a third party acts as a catalyst to poison the relationship. So give each other time. Talk. Tell the story. Chat. Keep the children away from themselves for a while. Engage them in learning to play. Make timely video calls. All in all, spend time with each other anyway.

Fight less
There must be a quarrel about. But don’t let that quarrel last too long. When one is angry, the other adjusts. Try to understand each other’s minds. If you have any bad habits, give them up. Don’t whine about the same thing. Talking loudly increases the chances of quarreling. Also keep in mind that excessive arguing can have a detrimental effect on children. After a quarrel, give a small gift to your partner and you will see that the romance between the two will increase.

Forget the old bad memories
Many old events may have made the relationship worse. The quarrel broke out. Forget those things. It is better not to discuss them unnecessarily. But yes, learn from old mistakes. Try not to repeat the same mistake. And for some reason, even if there is a small dispute over the old words, there is no need to escalate it. Or foolishly teasing each other over an old incident. This can make the relationship worse. Don’t even tell your own personal old story in front of everyone. This can make your partner feel uncomfortable.

Understand the need
Understand each other’s needs. Don’t go for less that your full potential. The needs of the two may be twofold. So be it shopping or something else. Give importance to the needs of your partner. The relationship will be stronger if both of them understand the need of each other.

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2021-06-23 18:35:45
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