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If you gain more weight than usual, there is a risk of overweight, according to the survey

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  • Coronary lockdown spends most of the time at home, resulting in weight gain (obesity).
  • Various studies have shown that if the weight is 10-15 percent higher according to the height, the immunity is better.
  • Illness is less. Fitness is no less.

This time the digital desk: Coroner Lockdown Most of the time spent at home, this has increased Weight (Obesity). Various studies have shown that if the weight is 10-15 percent higher according to the height, the immunity is better. Illness is less. Fitness is no less. But being overweight, like any other disease, increases the risk of coronavirus. Not only the risk of coronavirus, but also the risk of complications if infected.

However, a number of researchers have explained the extent to which weight gain can increase the risk of covid. Scientists at Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Israel have shown in their research that the body mass index (BMI) With an increase, the risk of covid infection increases by about 22 percent.

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The result obtained by dividing the weight by the square of the height is called BMI. Those with a BMI between 30 and 34.9 are placed in Class One Obesity. People in this category are about 27 percent more likely to be infected. And those who are in class two obesity, that is, those whose BMI is 35 to 39.9, their risk of getting infected increases by 36 percent. For those with a BMI of 40 or higher, it is about 6 percent. According to the study, BMI increases by 2% per 1 unit.

According to experts, if you have a metabolic syndrome with a BMI of 30-35, which is an early stage of diabetes, or diabetes, or one or more diseases with high blood-cholesterol, the tendency of inflammation in the body increases very much, the immune system is weakened. Increases the risk and complications of infection.

If the weight is higher than normal Covid There is a risk of overdose after infection. According to a study by Israeli researchers, the risk of infection increases with obesity. So Don’t They are advising to reduce fat to avoid infection.

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2021-05-18 14:05:06
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