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Immune SystemThese 5 habits can destroy the immune system during coronation, you know.

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  • Usually people are born with some immunity. This is called immunity.
  • And acquires adaptive immunity while living in nature. This immunity is also divided into two parts.
  • One is Naturally Acquired. The body builds immunity against various viruses while in the environment.

This time the digital desk: Usually people do something Immunity Born with (immunity). This is called immunity. And acquires adaptive immunity while living in nature. This immunity is also divided into two parts. One is Naturally Acquired. The body builds immunity against various viruses while in the environment. This is called Naturally Acquired Adaptive Immunity. The other is artificially acquired or artificial immunity. When immunity is activated, it can provide lifelong protection.

This time the question is, of a man Immunity Is he able to conquer Corona only when he is strong? No other virus will attack him? According to experts, immunity is created in the body against every bacterium and virus. A cell-mediated immunity. In this case, the lymphocytes fight with the virus or bacteria. Another type of immunity is obtained through antibodies.

Those whose immunity is weak are easily affected Don’t In addition, it can catch any disease. There are a number of reasons why the immune system is weakened, such as a previous illness or the habit of smoking excessive cigarettes or alcohol. In addition, lack of adequate sleep and lack of nutritious food weakens the immune system. If you have these 5 things, get rid of them. Let’s find out what they are-

Excess salt – Studies have shown that eating too much salt weakens the immune system. Studies have shown that excess salt intake reduces the body’s ability to fight bacteria. It weakens the immune system.

Sweet Eat – Eating too much sweet national food like salt also weakens the immune system. Excessive consumption of sweets also increases the risk of diabetes. If you want to strengthen your immune system, reduce your intake of sweets.

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Alcohol – Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. Everyone knows this, but those who drink and consume large quantities of alcohol have a weakened immune system. Consumption of large quantities of alcohol increases the risk of disease.

Soda or energy drink (soda energy drink) – Drinking soda and energy drinks also weakens the body’s immune system. According to many experts, drinking soda and energy drinks has adverse effects on health, so it should be avoided.

Caffeine – Drinking too much caffeine also weakens the immune system. Excessive caffeine intake also causes weight gain. If you want to increase your immunity, reduce your caffeine intake. Also, be careful not to drink caffeinated beverages at least 6 hours before you go to bed, as this will interfere with your sleep.

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2021-06-10 12:55:58
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