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In the rainy season, the desire of Bengalis is a dish khichuri, taste as well as nutrition sholoana!

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This time the digital desk: If I get khichdi on a rainy day. If you have a little potato-fried eggplant, the afternoon freezes. And if there is Ilishbhaja, then Sohaga in gold. That khichuri will be soft in the taltale, or as tight as the khichuri of enjoyment, like the various munis with it. Khichdi now has a different glory in politics too.
Non-Bengalis often eat khichdi if they have stomach upset. Khichuri is a luxury for food-loving Bengalis. And stomach upset? Choh. Playing one stomach khichuri makes bad mind better. The body became strong. The day goes well. However, Bengalis are not alone. Food lovers from different provinces of India also ate khichdi. But at the moment, in order to keep our body and mind healthy, we have to eat some food which is rich in nutrients and also becomes cheap. Because of the covid situation effortlessly mixing pulses-rice-vegetables Khichuri I can eat. Which is extremely beneficial for the body. Take a look at the nutritional value of khichuri-

1. Khichuri properly maintains the balance of proteins and carbohydrates. That is why it is called full meal. Since khichuri contains pulses, these pulses are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and essential amino acids. Khichuri is a very good quality food at low cost.

2. Those who do not digest gluten can eat this khichuri without any hesitation.

3. Khichuri is very useful to cut the weakness of the body.

4. During diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, fever, playing khichuri, the weakness is cut off a lot.

5. Playing it increases immunity.

. Those who have digestive problems can also eat khichuri without fear. As khichuri is easy to digest, children and old people will benefit by eating khichuri.

. Many people have gas in their stomach even if they eat pulses due to gas problem. For this, boil the pulses well first. According to Ayurveda, khichuri controls air, bile and phlegm The role of khichuri is important in Ayurveda In addition to keeping the body cool, this food removes toxins

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2021-07-01 14:36:21
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