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Increased fat from home? Lose Weight With This Protein Diet Bangla – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • If you want to be lean, you need a high-protein diet. You almost know that.
  • Dietitians recommend reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and adding high-protein foods (Protein-Rich Foods).
  • Surprising to hear that fish-meat-egg-role is important to lose weight.

This time the digital desk: If you want to be lean, you need a high-protein diet. You almost know that. Dietitians recommend reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and adding high-protein foods (Protein-Rich Foods) Said to do.

I should be surprised to hear that To lose weight Fish-meat-egg-role is important. Because, still many people think to lose weight (Weight Loss) There is no alternative to vegetarianism That thought cannot be said to be absolutely wrong But if enough vegetables, pulses, less sweet fruits and a little brown rice or brown bread cooked in a little oil are eaten, high calorie food is omitted, weight will be lost. However, there is considerable doubt as to how healthy it is without adequate protein Protein has a role to play in the internal functions of the body It reduces hunger, keeps the stomach full, increases the rate of caloric expenditure in the body, and has no equal in strengthening the muscles.

The metabolic rate increases during protein digestion by about 20–35%, and during carbohydrate or fat digestion increases by 5–15%. Studies have shown that people who are accustomed to a high-protein diet tend to consume a good amount of calories long after eating. The metabolic rate can be almost doubled

What is the role of protein?
The role of protein is important for the functioning of the body It reduces hunger, keeps the stomach full, increases the rate of calorie expenditure in the body, and also strengthens the muscles. This does not mean that there is no protein without meat There are also vegetable proteins in it Such as beans, pulses, seeds, nuts, beans, lentils, milk, yogurt, cheese, lamb. However, many of them are not self-sufficient As a result, they have to burn a lot of wood and straw to meet the demand

Want to shed fat? Say goodbye to these kitchen items now!

How much protein (Protein) Need to keep?
According to DRI, 0.6 grams of protein per kg is ideal for ideal weight According to many experts, playing so little is not lacking in the body, but there is little hope of additional benefits According to them, it is important to eat 1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight If you want to lose weight and build muscle at an early age, you need to eat 1.6 grams per kg. Scientists have found that those who eat 1.8 grams of protein benefit more than those who eat 2.4 grams of protein. Roughly 20-30 percent of total calories from food should come from protein Make sure you have enough protein with every meal of the day

Weight lossRegardless of age, eat fenugreek in these 4 ways; Fat will melt like butter!

Make a food diary
Find out the amount of protein and other beneficial ingredients in the foods that you usually eat to stay healthy. You can get the calculation of how many calories you are eating throughout the day from here If you make a small change this time, you will see that you have reached the target of nutrition and calories. Keep an eye on the food so that it is balanced This means that in addition to eating enough protein, there should be adequate amounts of beneficial fats and carbohydrates.

You can include vegetable protein in your diet (Protein)
Vegetable proteins such as beans, pulses, peas, lentils, soybeans, nuts and various seeds contain many amino acids in varying amounts. If you want to meet the demand for protein through them, you have to eat in combination For example, beans on toast, khichuri mixed with vegetables, rice-pulses-vegetables etc.

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2021-05-31 12:44:49
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