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Increased uric acid during pregnancy? Be careful, both mother and child may be harmed

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  • When uric acid levels rise in the first trimester of pregnancy, women develop pre-eclampsia.
  • In addition, the risk of gestational diabetes also increases.
  • Again, when uric acid rises, the body cannot make enough insulin.

This time living desk: In today’s busy life minor health problems occur to everyone. But these problems should never be ignored. Increasing the amount of uric acid in the body is one of the various health problems. According to health experts, eating a high-purine diet can increase uric acid levels. If it cannot be excreted from the body, it begins to clot in the blood. According to experts, about 4% of pregnant women are prone to high levels of uric acid. Elevated uric acid levels during pregnancy can be harmful to both the mother and the baby.

What is uric acid?

It is a type of chemical that is made in the body. Purine is made in the body by playing something. This purine is made from fish, meat etc. As a result of eating, it breaks down and produces uric acid.

The kidneys usually secrete uric acid from the body. But with high levels of uric acid, it is impossible for the kidneys to excrete it. This causes excess uric acid to build up in the blood.

Elevated uric acid levels can cause problems in women

When uric acid levels rise in the first trimester of pregnancy, women develop pre-eclampsia. In addition, the risk of gestational diabetes also increases. Again, when uric acid rises, the body cannot make enough insulin.

Children can also be harmed

According to health experts, excessive levels of uric acid in the body of pregnant women can harm not only the mother but also the baby. It affects the weight of children. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness after birth. It can also lead to hypertension, heart disease or diabetes in the future.

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What should be the amount of uric acid during pregnancy?

According to experts, uric acid levels usually range from 2.5 to 5.8 mg / dL. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the level of uric acid in the body of a healthy woman is between 2 and 4.2 mg / dl. Over the next three months, its levels rose to 2.4 to 4.9 mg / dL. Uric acid levels range from 3.1 to 6.3 mg / dL in the last three months.

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What issues should be kept in mind

A healthy lifestyle should be followed to control uric acid levels during pregnancy. Do simple exercises and yoga as well. According to experts, the diet of pregnant women should include fruits, green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, whole grains. At this time junk food, processed food and sweet food should be avoided.

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2021-06-28 17:26:26
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