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India’s important role in controlling the epidemic has not been realized

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India’s health ministry said on Saturday that more than 250,000 people had been infected with Cavid 19 and that 4,100 had died in the past 24 hours. A report in The Associated Press on Saturday states, “India has always been thought to play a key role in the international vaccination campaign against Cavid-19. But overconfidence, poor planning, and misfortune did not last long. ”

According to the Associated Press, when India launched its internal immunization program in January, India was happy with its success and assured the country that the vaccine export would be carried out in keeping with the internal immunization program. However, with the pace at which their vaccines are being approved worldwide and the growing demand for them outside the home, the South Asian country is falling into disrepair. Apart from that, two major vaccine manufacturers in India, Serum Institute and Bharat Biotech, failed to produce adequate quantities of vaccines.

In order to bridge the gap between rich and poor countries, the US-German partnership Pfizer and Bioentech have pledged to supply 200 million doses of vaccine to low- and middle-income countries.