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Infections are increasing by leaps and bounds, rely on Ayurveda to increase immunity!

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  • The food we eat throughout the day plays a big role in boosting our body’s strength and immunity system.
  • India are battling a second wave of covid. In this dire situation, it is important to pay attention to health.
  • Therefore, the Ministry of AYUSH has spoken about some Ayurveda which can increase the immunity.

This time the digital desk: The food we eat throughout the day plays a big role in boosting our body’s strength and immunity system. India are battling a second wave of covid. In this dire situation, it is important to pay attention to health. Therefore, the Ministry of AYUSH has spoken about some Ayurveda which can increase the immunity.

The second wave of Kovid has hit India in a fatal way. The number of victims is increasing every moment. At the same time, the number of deaths has also increased. And this time the corona virus is much more harmful than before. The infection is spreading very fast among everyone. There are adults, children and youth are also affected. The rate of infection is highest among the youth. There is less awareness among the people this year as compared to last year. Not everyone wears a mask. But wearing a mask, washing your hands all the time, using a sanitizer when you go out are all medicines. Immunity can also be developed naturally. It is not possible to build resistance in one day. It is possible only after several days of effort. The Ministry of AYUSH has suggested an Ayurvedic remedy called ‘AYUSH 74’ to build immunity. Take a look at what they are-

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What are the new guidelines of the Ministry of AYUSH for protection from Kovid?
1. Drink lukewarm water throughout the day to protect against covid.

2. You should use turmeric, cumin, dried ginger and garlic in cooking spices.

3. Eat an amalki every day. (Eat fresh if possible)

4. Gargle with a pinch of turmeric and light warm water with salt.

5. Eat freshly cooked food instead of outside, which can be easily digested.

. Practice yoga, pranayama and meditation for 30 minutes every day.

. Sleep seven to eight hours a night, but do not sleep during the day.

Ayurvedic remedies to strengthen the immune system
Drink Chavanpras in lukewarm water on an empty stomach.
Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with 150 ml of warm milk and drink it once or twice a day.

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Drink twice a day
Drink herbal tea or kara every day. To make kara, take basil (4 leaves), cinnamon (2 pieces), kalonji (2 parts), black pepper (1). Boil all these ingredients well in 150 ml of water and drink it once or twice a day. You can also add molasses, raisins, cardamom to enhance the taste.

Remedy for dry cough and sore throat
Fresh mint leaves or camphor can be mixed with water and steamed to get relief. Besides
Drink cloves, honey or sugar twice or thrice a day.
If dry cough does not subside, consult your doctor.

Information courtesyNBT

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2021-05-07 10:16:16
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