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Is bleeding after sexual intercourse a sign of danger?

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  • Months after conception increase the sexual desire of a few women.
  • When they have intercourse at that time, they are satisfied physically and mentally

This time living desk: The news of the arrival of a new guest in the house creates a festive atmosphere all around. Future parents are preoccupied with future thoughts and new joys. Let’s try to make the world more beautiful in nine to ten months.

At this time the body and mind of the future mother also changes. Changes come in the daily routine. Heavy work is prohibited. He has to eat nutritious food. Restrictions also begin on daily gym-yoga. Smoking or drinking is completely stopped. Even adults say that you should not have sex at this time. Although modern physicians are not unanimous in this regard. According to them, it is possible to have sex at this time by following certain precautions.

Months after conception increase the sexual desire of a few women. When they have intercourse at that time, they are satisfied physically and mentally. According to doctors, intercourse can be done up to 12 weeks of pregnancy if the expectant mother is in good health. However, the stomach should not be stressed.

And at that time, after sexual intercourse, women are often seen bleeding from the vagina. According to gynecologists, 15 to 25 percent of women complain of bleeding. Get scared. If the bleeding is slight or sparse then there is nothing to fear. But be careful if there is excessive bleeding.

The cause of little bleeding

Fertilized eggs penetrate the lining of the uterus and implant may cause slight bleeding. This discharge often lasts from two to seven days. This is a very common occurrence.

The uterus gradually changes after conception. This is why painless, light pink, brown or light red fluid may come out of the vagina after intercourse during pregnancy. And this problem is seen in the first few months of pregnancy.

Excessive intercourse or the use of a sex toy can also cause bleeding in the vagina.

The uterus becomes much more sensitive after conception. As a result, it is possible to bleed a little due to touch during intercourse. This is also a very common occurrence.

Bleeding from the vagina can also be caused by mental anxieties or infections.
In addition to slight bleeding due to sexual intercourse during pregnancy, there are also symptoms of itching, hemorrhagic discharge, vaginal scars or pain during intercourse or slight labor pain. Symptoms such as discharge of mucus from the vagina during labor may also occur. There is nothing to fear. These are fixed automatically.

But yes, do not neglect at all if there is excessive bleeding after intercourse during pregnancy. In many cases this excess bleeding can be fatal. So consult a doctor without delay.
Causes excessive bleeding

The uterine lining may rupture and cause excessive bleeding. This is terrible for mother and child. Neglect can lead to death.

Many times the pulse again puts pressure on the uterus. For those who have such problems, if they have intercourse during pregnancy, there is terrible bleeding. It is not uncommon to die as a result. So if you have such physical problems, you should never have sex during pregnancy.

Excessive bleeding can also mean miscarriage. If, according to doctors, abortion is not possible due to intercourse. However, if the expectant mother has any physical illness, abortion can take place.

What to do if bleeding during intercourse during pregnancy?

* First of all, if the doctor forbids intercourse, it must be complied with.

* Mild or sporadic bleeding heals on its own. It is also good to talk to a doctor.

* In case of excessive bleeding, the expectant mother should be treated without delay.

* However, if you are careful and aware while having sex, there will be no problem.

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2021-05-24 22:18:34
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