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Is rectal bleeding also on the list of covid panic? Know the expert’s statement!

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  • New symptoms were caught in Delhi. Rectal Bleeding has already been detected in five Corona patients.
  • One of them was killed. The new virus is called Cytomegalovirus.
  • The new name Cytomegalovirus has been added to the terror list after black, white, yellow and green fungus. Which is the first in India.

At this time Digital DeskNew symptoms were caught again in New Delhi. Rectal Bleeding has already been detected in five Corona patients. One of them was killed. The new virus is called Cytomegalovirus. The new name Cytomegalovirus has been added to the terror list after black, white, yellow and green fungus. Which is the first in India.

Bleeding as a result of cytomegalovirus infection after recovering from covid. This virus nests in the colon. Which causes bleeding from the anus. According to experts, the infection occurs in the body of those patients within 20-30 days of infection. The body is exposed to all the drugs that are used to fight covid infections Immunity Decreases. As a result, these viruses have invaded. These viruses are present in about 70% of the human body. But as soon as his immune system was weakened, he started firing. According to experts, 80 to 90 percent of Indians have this virus in their body.

Patients have become victims of this disease after recovering from covid. The effects appear three to four weeks after recovery from the deadly virus. One in five patients infected with Cytomegalovirus at Gangaram Hospital in Delhi is in critical condition. Each of the patients had severe pain in the lower abdomen. There is bleeding with stool. As a result, surgery has to be done in the colon. The infection then spreads to the lungs. As a result, he died. The rest are cured by drugs.

What are the symptoms of this disease (Cytomegalovirus)?
Bleeding with stool
Pain in lower abdomen
Gland swelling
Muscle pain
Shortness of breath
Dry cough

How does this cytomegalovirus spread?
The virus can also be spread from breast milk in rectal bleeding.

According to experts, people who have just recovered from corona may be affected by this disease. This is because the body’s immune system is weakened. So they are most at risk of infection. Sick newborns can also be infected. According to experts, if there are any symptoms, the doctor has assured that if you consult a doctor immediately, the virus will not be able to harm you in that way.

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