Is the child caught in the trap of FOMO? Learn the way of salvation

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This time living desk: FOMO – Many people are familiar with this term now. This means Fear of missing out. It is a thought when one begins to think that everyone except him is rejoicing and rejoicing. And this FOMO can happen not only to adults but also to children. However, the high participation of children in social media is increasing the fear of FOMO among them. The kids gradually feel that they are lagging behind the others, others are living a much happier life than them. Such thinking naturally has the opposite effect on children’s mental health.
Kids spend a lot of time on social media lately. Their free anagona can be seen on Facebook, Instagram, Ticket. They are checking the phone minute by minute, looking at the status and pictures of others. They know everything that is happening in the lives of their friends through social media. They are busy chatting with their friends whenever they have time. Almost all children have multiple social media accounts. I have to check it minute by minute. Even the annoyance of missing a post is evident in their hub.

What is FOMO?

In the Oxford Dictionary, Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, means the anxiety of being left out of an interesting and exciting event somewhere. For example, after learning about an event on social media, it may seem that someone other than you is participating in an event or that you are behind because you did not attend that particular event. Anxiety starts from this thought.

The reason for FOMO?

This may be due to lack of communication with social media or friends. In addition, children may feel that others are doing something interesting, that they have more friends, or that they are living a much better life.

Symptoms of FOMO

1. Constantly checking social media accounts. If you check social media despite going on a trip or attending an event, you should know that your child has been a victim of FOMO.

2. Repeatedly refreshing the screen to find out who responded to your post.

3. Being present on social media for friends 24 hours a day.

4. Posting your daily activities on social media.

5. Feeling the need for new things, experiences and a better life.

. Suffering from loneliness, sadness or exhaustion after being on social media for a long time.

. Being dissatisfied with one’s own life.

. Seeing others on social media to make decisions about one’s personal or financial life.

9. Anxiety and frustration, frustration, anxiety, rolling eyes, getting angry.

FOMO is present in 90 percent of children at present. If parents pick up the phone for any reason or as a punishment, they begin to feel that their community is being taken away.

How to free your child from FOMO—

Consider this feeling seriously

At first you have to remember that this is a deep matter. Don’t let your child’s social media anxiety get in the way. Remember, social media is the equivalent of real life for them. Because their social circle is rooted there. Talk to them and try to understand in which cases they are suffering from insecurity.

Strengthen their sense of self

Children and even adults are falling prey to this FOMO due to deprivation and lack of self-esteem. So try to make your child confident to protect them from social media anxiety. Even provide the necessary support and assistance to build a sense of self-worth. If your child is confident, he will not feel the urge to participate in all social media activities to maintain his presence.

Emphasize life offline more than online

Anyone can fall prey to FOMO unless there is something exciting or exciting in their personal life. So encourage your child towards their real life. They will not feel any special attraction towards the online world if they get a chance to participate in various events in their personal life. For this, organize the activity of their choice. For example, emphasize dance, song, sports, learning something new, and so on.

If a child is sitting idle, they may be infected with FOMO. For example, during summer vacation, don’t just leave it at home, send it to summer camp or take it for a walk somewhere.

Use the phone for reading

Despite keeping a close eye on the child’s phone, at some point during the day, they will sneak in and get caught up in social media and start getting caught up in FOMO’s web again. So let them know the knowledge that can be acquired and put to creative use with this gadget.

Ask him out well if he is no longer absorbed in the connection. Ask about any artwork, painting. Encourage them to make something accordingly. There are even online courses on various subjects, enroll in a course that suits the child.

Teach them all the good things that social media shows

On social media, people highlight the joys and good aspects of their lives, which the child needs to be constantly informed. Everybody tries to present a happy, advanced, modern image of themselves, but there is no reason to think that it will always be true.

Keep reminding the child that no one’s life is perfect, so there is no reason to be inferior.

Set boundaries

Confident children can also fall prey to the magic of social media. In this case, the time limit for using the phone should be set. Keep a parental control app to control social media time. If there is a limit to the time spent on social media, children will be able to concentrate on productive activities.

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2021-06-16 15:57:56
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