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Is your child different from the five? How do you take care of it?

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  • Studies show that 30 to 50 percent of children are intelligent but have learning disabilities.
  • It does not take long to get various mental problems.
  • So if you see any such problem in the child, take expert advice without delay.

This time living desk: As a child, it means that while studying in nursery, little Ishan used to get good results in class. He was also good at sports. But over the years, things have changed. Most of the spelling mistakes in the class and exam books. Problems in syntax, not being able to read in class or inattention seemed to be consuming Ishan day by day. There was no special benefit even after talking a lot. Ishan couldn’t compete with his friends even in sports. The only thing I could do better was draw.

The parents, however, did not pay much attention to Ishan’s painting. As the result was bad, they decided to send him to boarding. Maybe his life would have been darker there. But it did not happen. Nikumbh came to Ishan’s side and showed the light, sir. Desperate Ishan noticed that even though Ishan was an obedient boy, he could not keep pace with everyone. But his intellect and imagination are strong. With a little more care he can be the best of all.

Ishan was able to become normal due to the efforts of Nikumbh Sir. But life is not a movie. But you can learn a lot from movies. Many people came to know about the learning disorder of children by watching the movie ‘Tare Zamin Par’. But do parents understand if their child is a victim of this disease?

Not many times. Think that the child may want to cheat in studies. But not all the time. Children often develop a disease that is not understood from the outside. The symptom of this disease is not being able to learn anything. Simply put, learning disorder. It includes autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADD and even dysgraphia.

Every child grows up in his own environment. Usually within the first year of birth, his speech, hearing, learning, sensitivity, growth pattern, etc. become clear. Excessive shaking of the head, tendency to bite yourself, over-reacting to anything, or any other abnormal activity, if the child does more, it is better to keep an eye on him.

– Studies show that 30 to 50 percent of children are intelligent but have learning disabilities. It does not take long to get various mental problems. So if you see any such problem in the child, take expert advice without delay.

– Special attention should be paid to special children. In this case, losing patience does not work. They cannot learn anything at once. There is nothing to fear or worry about. As they practice, they too gradually become normal. However, it is relatively easy to bring back to normal life all the children who undergo emotional changes under the pressure of environment instead of special children from birth.

– Trauma is created in the child’s mind due to multiple reasons including environmental stress such as sexual harassment, neglect, harassment, suppression. The role of mother is most important in reducing this trauma. With the help of mother and family care and expert advice, the child gradually becomes normal.

– Panic attacks, inattention, abnormalities in the use of special children are common problems. These too can be overcome.

How do you know if the baby has a disease?


– Make sure the child can talk within a year and a half
– Can’t speak eye to eye
– Doesn’t respond to calls by name
– There is no response when talking to him
– When you start a job, you keep doing it

Children can get a bad education from you, find out which habits to change

– Can’t understand if you rhyme or sing orally
– Makes the mistake of choosing the same word or letter
– A, A, A, B or A, B, C, D cannot learn easily
– Missing spelling and difficulty reading

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ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD is inattention in white Bengali. It is more or less present in all children in childhood. However, it is more dangerous. If the child does not understand the lengthy discussion or conversation on a subject, or has to explain it more than once, then he should pay attention. Most parents try to teach their children by beating them. This is wrong.

Many times children do not like to take part in any competition or discussion. Maybe the child needs expert help.

It is wise to counsel the child to solve the problem. However, in this case, the parents, especially the mother should be much more vigilant. The counselor’s advice to the guardian must be followed to the letter.

It is very easy to cure diseases of the body. It takes time to cure mental illness. That time should be given to the child. With proper treatment, anyone can recover.

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2021-06-02 13:50:39
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