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Isn’t cholesterol rising? Be careful when you see these three symptoms!

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  • High blood cholesterol levels are one of the most common causes of modern life, uncontrolled living, and diseases.
  • It’s best to have a blood test to see if you have any of these problems, but experts say you need to wait until the blood test to find out if you have high cholesterol, or if your blood cholesterol levels are high. Is not.
  • On the contrary, by looking at some of the symptoms, it is clear whether the disease has taken root in the body or not.

This time the digital desk: Blood cholesterol (High Cholesterol) Increased levels. It’s best to have a blood test to see if you have any of these problems, but experts say, Cholesterol Always check if you have high cholesterol, or if your blood cholesterol level is high. Blood test No need to wait until. On the contrary, by looking at some of the symptoms, it is clear whether the disease has taken root in the body or not.

There are those who do not know that there are two types of cholesterol (Cholesterol). Which is known as HDL and LDL cholesterol. It is very important to maintain cholesterol balance. This is why they are also called good and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol i.e. HDL performs many important functions in the body such as production of hormones and vitamin D. And bad cholesterol i.e. LDL starts to accumulate in our arteries and heart related problems occur. For this reason, there is a significant effect on blood flow.

Hand pain (arm pain)
If you have frequent hand pain, it may be a sign of an increase in your body’s bad cholesterol levels. In fact, when fat accumulates in the inner layer of our arteries. It is made up of cellular waste, fatty substances and calcium. Due to this the blood flow starts to get obstructed. For this reason, if a condition like atherosclerosis develops, there is pain in the hand. So should be treated immediately.

Increased blood cholesterol? Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items.
Swollen area under the eyes (high cholesterol symptoms eyes)
If there is a white or yellowish painless swelling under the eyes or on the eyelids, get a quick blood test. Although it does not cause any eye problems Cholesterol in the blood Staying is a very important symptom.

Any skin changes (signs of high cholesterol on face)
Do you notice any changes in your skin? Orange or yellow color has started to appear on the skin under the eyes? This can be a sign of elevated cholesterol. You’ve probably seen a line under a person’s eye. In addition, if you notice a color or line on the palms and soles of your feet, do not forget to take it lightly and consult a doctor immediately.

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2021-06-02 15:03:07
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