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Knee, back pain? Take a look at the infallible way

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Own report: Many people nowadays suffer from low back and knee pain. The number of people who have been suffering from back and knee pain since a young age is not small. Taking medicine on the advice of a doctor temporarily reduces the pain. But with the exception of a few days, the same problem. There is no cure for the painful pain.
However, it is possible to control a lot of back and knee pain only by making some simple changes in life. Gout pain can be avoided by following a few daily habits.

Precaution is better than cure. That means it is better to be careful before getting sick. Chronic back and knee pain does not occur overnight. As a result of long bad habits, the pain starts in the joints.
What to do to avoid back-knee pain?

1) The biggest problem nowadays is lack of adequate physical exertion. Try to exercise at least half an hour a day. Stretch at the end of the exercise. This will strengthen the muscles and bones. Increase flexibility. Even if you can do yoga, you will get benefits.
2) Do not sit in a row. Even if you have to work in the office, take occasional breaks. Take a walk. Stretch the waist, legs.
3) Use the right chair and table when working at the office computer. Keep an eye on the spine so that it is fairly straight.
4) There is a relationship between shoes and waist-knee pain. Try to wear good quality shoes of the right size. When buying shoes, keep an eye on the soft cushioned sole.
5) Put a lot of vegetables and fruits in the food. Eat more broccoli, carrots, beans, sprouted gram. If you can tolerate milk, you can eat it every day. Eat eggs regularly. This will make up for the deficiency of protein and calcium.
6) Uric acid problems often cause back and knee pain. So get uric acid test as per the advice of a doctor. If you find high levels of uric acid, then you should avoid foods like tomatoes, chickpeas, lentils.
6) Do not start taking any medicine or calcium tablets as you wish. Take medicine only after consulting a doctor.