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Knee pain will go away in 1 minute, there is no cure at home Bangla

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  • Knee pain can occur if someone has a congenital deformity, an infection, an injury, arthritis, or an injury to the cartilage.
  • Knee pain can also be caused by some tumors.
  • Knee pain is now a problem in every home. Like blood pressure and diabetes, this disease is also prevalent in Bengali families.

This time the digital desk: Knee pain can occur if someone has a congenital deformity, an infection, an injury, arthritis, or an injury to the cartilage. Ni-pain due to some tumors (Knee Pain) May be. Knee pain is now a problem in every home. Like blood pressure and diabetes, this disease is also prevalent in Bengali families. Many in the mid-forties are also suffering from Knee Pain. It is more prevalent in the sixties. Bone loss also increases with age. However, there is usually no cause for knee pain at a very young age. This problem usually occurs with women in the family, who do not pay attention to their own food even after working hard all day.

In such cases, knee pain (Knee Pain) increases with time. However, with the right diet and a simple home remedy, knee pain can be relieved. If you want to get rid of knee pain then you can also take this remedy (Knee Pain Home Remedy) Can resort. Let’s find out how to get rid of knee pain just by sitting at home.

Take the domestic route

* First take some molasses powder. You can also use molasses powder if you want.
* Now add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to this powder.
* Then mix a teaspoon of yogurt with a little water.
* Now mix all three well and make a paste. When it is ready, apply it on your knees. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. You can use it once a day.

Why is this home remedy beneficial?
You usually use sugar at home. However, sugar acts as a sucker for calcium from your bones. On the other hand, molasses has many properties like calcium and magnesium which are known to strengthen your bones. The same properties of molasses can help relieve your knee pain.

Turmeric has been used in Indian kitchens for centuries and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve inflammation and pain. Not only this, with the help of turmeric you can do healing in wounds. With these features it will also relieve your knee pain.

Yogurt is a great source of calcium. Calcium is known for strengthening and developing bones. These properties of yogurt can relieve your knee pain.

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2021-05-27 15:13:13
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