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Know the dangers of drinking too much water

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Know the dangers of drinking too much water

Water is life. It is not possible for any animal to survive without water. But researchers say that excess water should not be consumed. Drinking excess water impairs fluid balance in the body, puts pressure on the kidneys and reduces efficiency. Let’s not know what diseases you can get by drinking extra water-

* Heart problems:
Drinking too much water increases body moisture which disturbs the balance of the heart. Increases the amount of blood and puts extra pressure on the heart and blood vessels.

* Urinary problems:
Excessive water intake naturally increases the amount of urine, resulting in the excretion of various essential minerals from the body along with the urine. Decreased sodium levels in the body can lead to death.

* Blood Circulation Interrupted:
Excess fluid in the body puts pressure on the blood circulation process. Headaches, nausea, and muscle aches occur.

Health – Jamuna Television
2020-10-31 09:52:01
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