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Know the risks of going to Mars

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Many people have been wanting to go to Mars for a long time. The matter is not easy at all. It also has some serious risks. Here are 13 embarrassing situations you would face if you were to colonize Mars.

1. Cost

The first is the cost of getting there, which is about বিল 50 billion now. (1 billion = 100 crores; and 1 dollar = now about 6 rupees). The president of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin, thinks that it is possible to reduce the cost, but even if the cost is reduced, it will be between 5 and 20 billion US dollars.

2. Life risks along the way

Space travel is very risky. Even if all goes well, the spaceship’s life support system can become inoperable at any time. It takes about nine months to reach Mars from Earth, and life support is not impossible. After that there is the effect of gravity, radiation etc. which I did not mention.

3. The risk of landing

Well, at least I didn’t go down without explaining myself first. There are still problems. That is to land or ‘land’ on Mars. No technology has yet been discovered that could land humans safely on Mars. The biggest thing we’ve been able to land so far is no bigger than the shape of a car.

4. Temperature

Then let’s get into trouble after landing. And that is temperature. As you may know, the average temperature on Mars is minus 61 degrees Fahrenheit. In summer it is 60 degrees Fahrenheit and in winter it is minus 200 degrees. How do you feel?

5. Oxygen deficiency

Mars has only 0.15% oxygen in its atmosphere whereas Earth gets 21%. Most (96%) of the atmosphere on Mars is carbon dioxide.

. Adverse atmosphere

The light-thin atmosphere of Mars cannot protect you from the various harmful rays of the sun. There are other cosmic rays, including ultraviolet rays, that destroy the cells of living things and plants.

. Barren soil

Working on agriculture on Mars can be quite difficult or impossible at first glance because we know that to grow crops in the field requires the right proportion of bacteria and chemicals in the soil but no life has been found on Mars yet! Bacteria are far away.

. Lack of sunlight

About one third or half of the sun’s light reaches Mars. This means that it will take more time to generate electricity from solar panels.

9. Lack of water

It is difficult to get water here. Although Mars was once known to have a sea of ​​water, it is now frozen.

10. Natural disasters

There are weekly dust storms on Mars with speeds of 33 to 6 miles per hour. Occasionally the whole planet is covered in dust for a few weeks.

11. Loneliness

Even after all this, there will be a bigger problem for the people. And that is, people will feel so much loneliness on Mars that is not seen anywhere else.

12. Distance

If you want to talk to someone in the world, you have to wait 25 minutes for each word to reach the world. Because Mars is 12.5 light minutes away from our earth. If there is any problem for any reason, then there is no question.

13. Physical problems

In addition to mental problems, you also have to face physical problems. On Mars, your body weight becomes one-third more than normal Will go

Even after so many things, science will not stop! Will lead to new discoveries. Fear must be overcome! So, will you go to Mars?

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