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Learn about some of the harmful effects of smartphones

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It’s hard to turn off, but staring at a smartphone screen at night isn’t a good idea. The display of the smart phone emits bright blue light so that its contents can be seen clearly even in sunlight. This light stops the production of melatonin in the brain. Melatonin is a hormone that signals your body to sleep or “sleep now.”

Spending too much time on the bright screen of a smartphone disrupts your sleep cycle which can cause serious damage to your body.

Below is some information about the bad effects of blue rays on smartphones:

1. Chatting on the phone or browsing the internet before going to bed at night disturbs sleep, which can damage the memory part of the brain the next day.

2. Day after day, the blue-light of the smartphone can have a bad effect on the retina of your eyes.

3. Incomplete sleep is a cause of inattention for those who study.

4. Prolonged insufficient sleep produces neurotoxins which subsequently cause insomnia.

5. Sleep deprivation due to light exposure at night increases the risk of breast and bladder cancer.

. People who have low melatonin levels suffer from depression.

. Melatonin inhibition, insomnia, and smartphone blue light also cause appetite-related hormones, which in turn can lead to obesity. Maybe (Source: Tech / Business Insider).

So, before going to bed at night, turn off the room light and think again about mobile chatting, Facebook or browsing any other site!

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