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Like the second wave, Maharashtra tops Delta Plus in attack, 21 hit

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Own report: The number of people infected with Delta Plus is increasing in the country. People in 11 states are already in possession of Delta Plus. Most of the affected residents of Maharashtra! It is learned that Delta Plus variant has been found from the bodies of 21 people in Maharashtra so far. Many of them have been vaccinated. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

However, some of the victims are under 18 years of age. Those who are not yet eligible for the vaccine. According to the Maharashtra Health Department, all the information of the patients is being collected in one place. Where did they go? All of that is being scrutinized. Completely isolated and kept in isolation. The department has decided to expedite the vaccination process in the five districts where the delta virus was detected.

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Incidentally, the Delta Plus variant of the corona virus has become a new headache in different states of the country. In this situation, the Center on Friday directed eight states and one union territory to create micro containment zones. Covid-19 testing and immunization have also been directed in the districts.

On Friday, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan said a letter had been sent to the governments of Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat and Haryana. The same letter went to the Jammu and Kashmir administration. These guidelines are directed to be implemented on a priority basis. He also directed to send the samples of the victims to the laboratory designated by INSACOG.

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Zee24GhantaHealth News
2021-06-27 11:36:04
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