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Lockdown child companion social media app! Are you ok

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  • Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions.
  • Children can be victims of cyber bullying.

This time living desk: Everyone is addicted to gadgets as a result of Corona Atimari and its lockdown. Necessarily or unnecessarily older than the child — everyone is sitting on their mobile phones or laptops. Addiction to this gadget, especially mobile, has also increased among children. They are spending their time through a bunch of games and apps. In this situation, a new version of Instagram is coming. Instagram has designed this version with children under the age of 13 in mind. Parents and experts are still unsure how much this version of Instagram can be welcomed. Although parents can control this version, parents and experts are still thinking about the pros and cons.

How important is the importance of communicating with like-minded children worldwide?

This is a great idea for Shubha Srinivasan, a mother of two. ‘Ensuring all kinds of security, if the Under 13 version is launched, it is good for children. Of course if they can use it properly, meaningfully and meaningfully. Through this they will be able to showcase their talents and also attract followers to their talents. Again, based on the feedback received from here, they will have the opportunity to correct and improve themselves. They can also increase communication with other children of the same interest and talent in different parts of the world. They will even be able to run their own reality TV (IGTV). It has multiple benefits and is fun. ‘

Gautami Saraf, a mother of twins, sees multiple challenges in this. ‘Excessive internet and social media can turn our kids into digital zombies. However, the other side of it is that without the internet, their education will also be at a loss.

Excessive gadget time may not be good for kids

According to Mausami Hari, a mother of two, this makes it difficult to keep an eye on their activities. According to him, ‘Kids create different IDs and stay on social networking sites, where it is difficult to monitor their activities online. Apart from privacy, I don’t want my kids at this age to learn or know anything special that they can learn through an app. ‘

On the other hand, according to Meenakshi Singh, a mother of two, ‘This is the stage of correcting and reforming children. At such a stage, opening the door of social media in front of them is not a good idea at all. Whether studying or gaming, kids spend a lot of time with gadgets these days. As a result, they are gradually moving away from physical activity. This is one of the reasons for poor health and low growth.

Data privacy, security and data compromise is one of the major concerns of parents. ‘Addiction and security — these are both my thoughts. Kids should not collect personal data and geo location. It is also inappropriate to use tempting methods to get kids stuck with gadgets. Filters that are used to change one’s looks can also hurt their self-esteem. Eventually they may start to dislike their own looks. ‘ Such is the idea of ​​Gautami.

These 5 types of discipline must be taught to the child
Is it safe?

Good side

1. Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions.

2. Through this the children will be able to express themselves.

Lockeddown children under house arrest! No Prohibition, Here are 5 Reasons to Watch TV.
Adverse effects

1. Stress can increase.

2. Children can be victims of cyber bullying.

3. Personal pictures of children can also be compromised here.

4. Dating background at an early age can be created from various social media apps.

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2021-05-27 13:57:24
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