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Mailbox application buys Dropbox for 100 million

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mailbox-appOnline storage and file sharing service provider Dropbox is a popular email application to expand their mobile reach. Mailbox Bought. The software, which was launched just a month ago, has already gained tremendous popularity. Mailbox is currently only available for the iPhone and only supports the Gmail service.

After being sold to Dropbox, it will be further enhanced with the usual features, said application maker Orchestra and its acquirers. Although no official information has been released regarding the financial transaction of the deal TechCrunch Dropbox reportedly took ownership of the software at a cost of about ০ 100 million.

Under the agreement, 14 mailbox developer members will join Dropbox. The orchestra has invested ৩ 5.3 million in venture capital behind the application.

There are a number of reasons why buying a Dropbox mailbox. One of the most notable of these is that nowadays many people want to send a large file as an email attachment by uploading it in Dropbox and sending only the link in the email. Although Gmail provider Google has launched its own cloud storage “Google Drive”, some are opting for Dropbox for file sharing due to questions about the privacy of information against the company.

Dropbox will be able to enjoy the benefits of online marketing through the new Mailbox software, even if it doesn’t give much thought to the idea of ​​opening their own email service. Now let’s see what this cloud file sharing service provider wants to bring.

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