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Make Money From PeoplePerHour By Freelancing

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The number of freelancing marketplaces is growing in line with the needs of freelancers. People-per-hour is another freelancing website like popular freelancing platforms like Upwork,, Fiber etc.

Let’s find out more about the website and the rules for making money by freelancing from this website.

What is People Per Hour?

People-Per-Hour is a freelancing marketplace, where independent businesses (known as buyers) routinely seek out freelancers for their work from the sea of ​​freelancers. From copywriting to logo design, from article writing to web development, almost any type of service is provided by People’s Hour’s freelancers.

That means People Per Hour is a one-stop network for connecting freelancers and buyers. People’s Hour is growing in popularity as a freelancing marketplace alongside Upwork, Fiber.

Types of work

There are several job categories on the People’s Hour website. All jobs listed on the website fall into these sub-categories.

The working categories of the People’s Hour website are:

  • Technology and programming
  • Writing and translation
  • Design
  • Digital Marketing
  • Videos, photos and images
  • Business
  • Music and audio
  • Marketing Branding and Sales
  • Social media

Account creation and profile building

The sellers on the People’s Per Hour website are freelancers who get paid for their work. Seller account can be opened in PeoplePour Hour using email address or Facebook account. To open a seller account:

  • Registration of People’s Hour Enter the page
  • Click on “I want to work as a freelancer”
  • Then select the “Sign up with Facebook” or “Sign up with email” option below
  • If you select “Sign up with email” then enter the name, email and password and click on the Sign Up button.

Profile building is an important factor in getting a job. Profile building is called profile building so that buyers can easily find freelancers.

Include in your profile as much information as you can about the freelancing career to build a profile. This is very important to make the buyer interested in hiring.

It is very important to have a complete profile with profile picture, bio description, job category, previous projects, average selling price, etc.

Freelancers’ profiles are ranked on People’sHour sites using ranking algorithms. So the richer the profile, the better the ranking. As a result, buyers can easily find profiles and be interested in offering opportunities.

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Rules for posting offers

This feature of PeoplePower can be compared to gig posting on Fiber. To post offers on PeoplePowerHour:

  • Access the website Login to the account, click the Post Offer button
  • First write an eye-catching title about what service you are offering
  • Specify how much time the project will take
  • Select the category of the project and select the sub-category
  • Add powerful keywords related to your project
  • Highlight your skills and work style using pictures, videos, audio or other files
  • Provide a complete description of your work in your offer description
  • In addition to the general service, if you have any additional services (such as fast delivery) you can offer the rates and types of such services in the same offer.
  • Complete the setup of the offer after providing all the important information.
Earn money by freelancing from PeoplePerHour


Sellers can send proposals directly to buyers if the buyer posts a job in PeoplePour Hour. If you want to send a proposal directly, you need to keep an eye on your skill related posts. You can send a proposal for a job that you think you can do without any problems.

A maximum of 15 proposals can be sent every day. So when sending a proposal you can do, just select the job. You can choose the task that will be easier for you.

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Rules for sending proposals

When you enter the “Search Projects” tab, you will see numerous projects posted by buyers. By filtering these projects you will be able to find work conveniently. This list is based on time and date, meaning that recently posted tasks can be viewed at the top.

It is important to know a few things before sending an offer to a buyer

  • When submitting a proposal, give the buyer a detailed idea of ​​your work, which increases credibility
  • If possible, send a sample of some of the work you have done with the proposal
  • Provide related ideas in short descriptions related to the project
  • Hourly or fixed price, let the buyer know about any one method that is convenient for you. However, if the amount is more than the buyer’s budget, then the proposal will not go
  • If you are confused about something, talk to the buyer and settle it

One of the great things about People’s Hour is that buyers can’t easily cheat with a freelancer. Suppose a job costs ড 500. In this case, at the beginning of the work, half of the ড 500, that is, ২৫ 250, will be deducted from the People’s Hour and the full amount will be paid to the freelancer at the end of the work. In other words, the chances of being deceived by the buyer in the People’s Hour are very low.

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Advantages and disadvantages of People’s Hour at a glance


  • Extensive network of numerous businesses, that is, a large number of potential clients
  • Huge volumes of work are available locally and globally
  • Freelancers have the opportunity to offer their own rates for the buyer as a freelancer
  • Autonomous is more secure than freelancing
  • Since invoicing is automated, there is no problem with payment
  • As a freelancer, you have the opportunity to choose your own work hours


  • Being a platform with countless freelancers, the competition is fierce
  • If you are not competitive in terms of job rates, it is very difficult to get a job, because many people are ready to do the same job at a lower price.
What is the fee charged by PeoplePower Hour?

PeoplePowerHor charges a fee of 20% for projects within 250 euros, 8.5% for projects within 5,000 euros and 3.5% for projects within 5,000 euros.

How is the payment made in People Hour?

The website pays sellers through PayPal and bank accounts. Earned money can be withdrawn by entering the Payment area and selecting Withdraw Funds. The website takes 1 day to process the payment.

Looking for a job as a freelancer can be the name of hope for PeoplePowerHour. You can find your skill based job in PeoplePour Hour by following the mentioned information.

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