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Manicure-Pedicure – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Besides taking care of the skin, you also have to take care of your hands and feet before Eid! Hands and feet become more dirty every day than skin. On the other hand, care of hands and feet is not taken properly.

As a result, the skin of hands and feet becomes dark and rough. As well as the nails become dirty, so the skin as well as the hands and feet need special care.

Many people go to the parlor before Eid and do manicure-pedicure to save time. However, it is better not to go to the parlor during this time. Instead, take care of your hands and feet while sitting at home. You can easily do manicure-pedicure according to the rules sitting at home.

First find out what is manicure? This means taking care of your fingernails. No one has time to take care of their hands and nails due to daily busyness.

As a result of doing different things, dirt starts to accumulate in the corners of the nails. As a result, we can be easily infected by viruses and bacteria. This is because the germs in the nails while eating are likely to get sick in the stomach.

So the nails are cleaned in different ways through manicure. Many people have the misconception that only women do manicure-pedicure! In fact, it is necessary for both men and women.

* How to do manicure at home-

>> Manicure-pedicure sets now available in various cosmetic stores or online. There are various nail cleaning tools in a box. Nail care is usually done with the various tools in this set.

>> First cut the fingernails according to the shape with a nail cutter.

>> If there is nail polish on the nails, clean it with the help of remover and cotton.

>> Then mix lemon juice and salt in lukewarm water in a large bowl and soak your hands for 10 minutes.

>> Then you have to clean it by rubbing it with a cotton cloth.

>> Then mix a small amount of shampoo in lukewarm water in another bowl and keep your hands dipped for 10 minutes.

>> Then rub your fingernails with an old brush. Scrub the top of the nail with a nail cleaning tool. Cut the corners of the nails.

>> Clean the dirt inside the nails well. Then wipe the nails with a cotton cloth.

>> Then apply lotion or moisturizer on your hands.

Pedicure is the care of toenails. Just as the skin of the feet gets darker in the dust every day, the toenails also get dirty. In addition, it is important to do pedicure to solve the problem of hardening of the skin of the feet, rupture of the ankles and various types of scars.

* How to do pedicure at home-

>> First you have to clean your toenails with a nail cutter.

>> Then mix shampoo, lemon juice and salt in lukewarm water in a large bowl and keep your feet dipped for 10 minutes.

>> Then lift the foot and rub the ankle with the stone to clean it.

>> Like the nails of the hands, the nails of the toes should also be cleaned.

>> Then clean the feet well with a towel and apply glycerin or lotion on the feet.

* You can also use special packs on hands and feet. Things to do-

>> Mix 1 tablespoon powdered milk, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice well and apply on hands and feet for 10-15 minutes and clean. This pack will remove black spots on hands and feet.

>> Even if you use raw potato juice twice a day, your hands and feet will turn pale very quickly.

>> To increase the shine of the nails, raw garlic cloves will become shiny by rubbing the nails in two pieces.

>> Use toothpaste to remove yellowness of nails. After waiting for a few minutes, rubbing with a brush will turn the nails white.

MN / 06 May