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Many countries have imposed travel bans on Indian passports! Which countries have given concessions?

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Own report: Due to the increasing incidence of corona in India, Indians have been banned from entering and traveling to many countries around the world. This means that if you are an Indian passport holder, you will be allowed to travel to many countries for the time being. However, there are some friendly countries. Who have given concessions to Indian citizens. However, that number is very low now.

India’s ‘ally’ Russia and several Commonwealth countries such as Ukraine, Egypt, South Africa have given travel concessions to Indians in their countries. There are several other countries that have relaxed the rules for Indian passport holders.

As the Corona outbreak in India has escalated, several countries have suspended flights and imposed flight bans. Flights to and from India have been canceled in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. Recently Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka have given some concessions in this flight rule.

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Rajiv Mehra, president of the Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), said: But the situation in the country is terrible now. Air transport is completely closed. Many countries have not yet introduced e-Visa. ”

It has been observed that countries like Russia, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa are the preferred destinations for many Indians to spend their summer holidays. At present, even if Indians can go to these countries, they have to abide by strict rules. RT PCR test report must be negative, he must also be in the mandatory 14-day quarantine even after visiting the country. However, since the airline is closed, the plan is pending for the time being.

Zee24GhantaLifestyle News
2021-05-25 11:46:07
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