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Men can also get pregnant! Really? – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • Studies show that men have couvade syndrome or fake pregnancies
  • Symptoms appear within three months of conception

This time living desk: Surely you are shocked to read the title?
The title is like a flash. Male pregnancy? So much for the sky kusuma! Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? This question can be asked orally or mentally. But there are many readers who may have really had such an experience. In other words, the news of male pregnancy has spread in the air. What’s the matter?

The goddess of nature has never given man the ability to contain another body within her own body. In this regard, he is guilty of bias against women. Men are always deprived of the taste of motherhood that women get. Psychologists say that most men want to enjoy the feeling of being their own successor, even if they do not admit it. And then the male becomes pregnant. This subject is as physical as it is mental.

What happens?
What happens in this case, the husband also became happy after receiving the news of his wife’s pregnancy. Many men get that feeling inside their body while thinking about the small soul that is slowly growing inside the body of the wife. The condition is such that the physical changes of the wife are also manifested in the body of the husband. Symptoms such as gradual increase in abdominal size, abdominal and back pain, fatigue, morning sickness, excessive hunger occur in men.

It’s actually totally emotional. But those mental thoughts create the signs of pregnancy in the body. Its costume name is Kovar Syndrome (Couvade syndrome). Medical science, however, is reluctant to accept such symptoms as a problem. According to them, it is very common for men who are taking extra care of their pregnant wives and unborn children to have these symptoms.

Some researchers claim that the news of the arrival of a future child makes many men jealous again. Because all the attention of the partner goes to the future child. So to increase his attention to himself, he unknowingly felt a physical change like a pregnant wife.

Another study claims that many men suffer from stress after receiving the news of the birth of a child. Then many people feel the physical change. Hormonal changes also cause couvade syndrome in many men.

When is it?
Studies show that men develop symptoms of Couvade syndrome or fake pregnancies within about three months of conception. You will notice that women’s physical changes also start after three months. Sometimes the symptoms of pregnancy in a man’s body go away on their own, sometimes those symptoms go away after the wife gives birth to a child. For many, however, these symptoms persist for some time after childbirth.

Whose is it?
Men in developed countries usually have all the symptoms of Couvade syndrome or fake pregnancy. In developed countries you don’t have to worry about money, education or medical care. The result is peace of mind. In this case, whenever men become more caring towards their wives, they begin to feel the physical pain of their wives. According to media reports, such symptoms have been seen in men from countries like USA, UK, Spain and Sweden. In developing or underdeveloped countries, money, education and health are all flawed. Lack of education puts people away from awareness and care. As a result, men do not have awareness in their minds. In that case, Couvade syndrome is a luxury for them.

Men face such problems due to extra care towards their wives

Men face such problems due to extra care towards their wives

Mental health also improves when education-health or economic conditions improve. People become more aware and emotional. Then luxury seems to be the absolute necessity.

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2021-06-10 14:55:13
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