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Menstrual problems are on the rise, what to eat and what not to stay healthy

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  • Treatment of other ailments for fear of corona is almost stopped.
  • But no disease has stopped.
  • Many of the girls are not able to take care of their house and office and get time to think about their physical problems.

This time the digital desk: Coroner (Corona) The treatment of other ailments is almost stopped due to fear. But no disease has stopped. Many of the girls are not able to take care of their house and office and get time to think about their physical problems. During this time those who have problems with excessive menstruation (menstruation cycle), if they do not get proper treatment, then on the one hand anemia or anemia may occur, on the other hand there is a risk of the problem becoming complicated.

In most cases the menstrual cycle is after 28 days and lasts for 3-5 days. After the age of 45, the level of menstruation (menstruation cycle) decreases. But those four days of the menstrual cycle seem to overwhelm all the girls. Abdominal pain, mood swings, nausea and other symptoms are present in these four days. There is no way to lie down. If extra after 50 Menstruation Yes, but it can be a sign of a serious illness. So it is not right to leave such problems. Many people buy extra medicine for stomach ache. This risks complicating the problem. Diet to reduce physical discomfort during periods (menstruation cycle diet) Also need to keep an eye on. The good and bad of the body largely depends on what kind of food is being eaten at this time.

What you need to eat to stay healthy (menstruation cycle diet)

Bananas contain potassium which helps in controlling the speed of your intestines and it also keeps the mood good. Bananas are also a source of potassium and magnesium. Bananas are easy to digest and contain a lot of fiber which helps in reducing digestion and discomfort during periods.

Dry fruits
Various dry fruits such as dates, raisins, etc. will provide iron as well as meet the body’s need for extra calories. So stay tuned for these dry fruits in the diet.

Dark chocolate
It contains a lot of magnesium and iron. Along with the benefits of iron, magnesium also helps reduce premenstrual symptoms.

Breast pain a few days before the start of the period? Don’t be afraid.

Yogurt contains calcium and it helps to relax your muscles. During the period, yogurt produces the hormone that is needed for serotonin.

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that help keep every cell in the body alive and healthy during this time.

The curcumin present in turmeric helps to reduce muscle cramping, so turmeric should be included in the rose diet with warm milk or herbal tea.

What is not this time.

Junk food and grill
Eating junk food is not good for the body. And this time eating such food is more dangerous! Eating fried foods during the period causes severe damage to the body. Red meat contains a lot of prostaglandin hormone which is responsible for muscle cramping. Also a little grill but these can create acidity in a few days, so avoid as much as possible.

Not a cold drink
Absolutely do not drink cold drinks during the period. Multiple studies have shown that drinking this type of drink during this time leaves blood in the uterine wall. If this happens then the risk of getting cancer increases manifold after 5-10 years.

Mood swings before periods? Try this homemade trick to deal with the problem

Don’t eat carbohydrates
Carbohydrate rich foods should be avoided during the period. If you do not eat carbohydrate foods, you will also get relief from pain during the period. For example, chapati, lentils, milk, yoghurt, buttermilk should not be eaten initially during the period.
If you want to drink milk, drink turmeric with milk. However, drink less milk than other days. Because milk takes longer to digest. Milk also causes gas. So it is better not to eat such food these days.

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2021-05-18 10:34:59
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