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Microsoft has released a new feature of Windows 10: there will be free upgrades

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Microsoft recently unveiled some great features of their new Windows 10 operating system so that customers can get a preview of it. After the initial introduction of Windows 10 last September, many changes have been noticed in it such as modern start menu, advanced multitasking with task view, improved interface etc.

Microsoft will offer free upgrades for Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 customers for a year after Windows 10 hits the market.

Microsoft’s recent press conference has unveiled a number of new features that will be released in the next three, four or five months. Let’s see the new features of Windows 10.

Start Menu and Action Center

In Windows 10 you can use the full screen start menu or any small start menu like Windows 8. Also the Action Center has been redesigned so that common things like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and other settings can be easily accessed. Action Center notifications will be synchronized so that if you turn off any popup notifications on your mobile, it will not bother you a second time on any other device.


Microsoft has redesigned their Cortana with powerful search and reminder setting capabilities. It’s not a robot, it’s a lot like a real assistant. Microsoft says it’s an assistant no one has ever seen before.

Design and interface

Windows 10 has also been redesigned in terms of design and interface. New changes have been noticed in almost every part of the user interface that were not present in the earlier beta versions of Windows 10.

Universal app

Windows 10 has a universal app that can be run on both mobile and desktop. Also the ‘metro’ style is more beautiful now. OneDrive is now able to show all your photos in a smarter way.

Project Spartan

The new browser project Spartan whose name has not yet been determined. It will now support Touch so you can highlight anywhere on the browsed page and you don’t need a special pen to do this highlighting but you can use your finger or mouse. There is also a reading mood.


Xbox now has messaging support, Activity VID, Universal Friend List, and Xbox games can now be played on other devices using WiFi.

At the special Windows 10 event on January 21, Microsoft unveiled a number of new technologies, including Windows 10, the holographic headset ‘HoloLens’, and Windows 10 Mobile. If you want to know about all the surprises together This is a live blog See.

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